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Isaiah finally came back to Pam's house like I asked him to so he could pick me up from there.

"Where have you been?" Pam asked. She leaned against the counter on one hand and her other was on her hip.
"I don't live here no more. What does it matter where I was?" he combatted.
"Because I called your phone four times and you didn't answer me, like some kinda nut job. You moved out but no matter where you go, as your mother, I expect an answer when I call you or at least a text explaining why you're not answering. So where were you?"

I got up and walked off to the laundry room. Not because I had anything to do in there, just because I didn't think I should be there for his scolding.

Also the laundry room was close enough that I could still listen and not be seen...

"I went back to Westdale." Isaiah explained.
"Why? What did you do?" his mother wondered
"I go back every other day, why do you care now?"
"Because I know Deion died."

There was a long silence.

"Was he shot?" she wondered.
I could hear her saddened sigh. "That poor family. He was, what? Seventeen?"
"Almost eighteen. His birthday was next week."
"I'm sorry, lovebug."

Silence again.

"He ain't do nothin'." Isaiah stated. "Now Dre lost one sibling for sticking up for the other."
"What happened to his sister?"
"Some guy tried to assault her, she told Dre and he ran a lick on him, took his jewelry, shoes, extra cash. Then shot holes in his tires. That guy's brother found us and told Dre to give the shit back. Dre refused. So Deion paid for it."
"Damnit. I told y'all this lifestyle isn't okay." Pam said.
"It's too late now."
"No, it isn't."
"Yes, it is."


"BUNNY!" Isaiah called me.

Honestly, if he would have said my government name again, I think I would've just collapsed onto the floor.

I came out and looked at the two of them. Pam's head was down, Isaiah was opening the front door as he looked at me.

"You ready?" he asked.
I nodded and walked out of the door.
"Ma, she about to leave her car here." Isaiah told Pam.
"For what?" she asked in confusion.
"She stayin' with me tonight."
"Okay." she shrugged. "Be safe. I'm not in the mood for grandchildren."

That made me question what she meant by 'be safe'.

Isaiah rolled his eyes and walked out.
"Tell me if he hurts you. I can still whoop him." she claimed and I snickered before closing the door.


We made it to Isaiah's apartment and it was dark outside while we waited for the pizza he ordered because he hadn't gone grocery shopping for his apartment, yet. He said if I wasn't busy, I could go with him when he did it tomorrow.

But he wasn't very talkative so far other than asking me what I wanted on the pizza and discussing the state of his groceries.

"Are you okay?" I wondered.
"Yea. Why?" he replied dryly.
"Because you found out your friend passed away."
"Yea. People die." he shrugged.
"But if it hurts, that's okay."
He didn't respond.
"Is Andre okay?"
"But we'll handle it." he stated.
"Handle what?"
"What does that mean?"
"Exactly what I said." He looked at me.

I don't think I liked that answer.

"Are you going to get hurt?" I wondered.
"I can't answer that because I don't know the answer."
"Will you die?"
He shrugged. "Probably not."
"I can't give a for sure answer to that either. If I do, I do. If I don't, I don't."
"Isaiah, I don't like these answers you're giving me."
"Then stop askin' me questions."

The doorbell rang and I watched him get up to answer it.

"Pick a movie." he stated and pointed at the tv remote.

I grabbed it to do as told.
I could tell this was going to be a strange night. I didn't expect him to be free of it so soon, obviously, but it was clear he still carried the weight of the loss of his friend, even though he was trying his hardest to hide it. I wondered what I could do to help him or if there even was anything I could do. I couldn't imagine what it's like losing a childhood friend. I haven't had many friends to begin with, but...if you've known them since you were a kid...I can only assume it's like losing family.

Isaiah lost his family today and he's trying to act cool about it.

I wish he'd be more okay with being sad around me and not feel like he needed to put on a mask. I wondered if he was trying to spare people.

He certainly wasn't sparing me, I don't know Deion. But maybe he wanted to spare everyone else. Maybe he thought that if he put on the mask no one would bother him about it or they wouldn't assume it was eating him alive. Or he could be trying to convince his friends and family that it's not bothering him, so it shouldn't bother them either.

I don't know.
I just wanted to know why he was acting the way he was, especially now that I know he takes these things seriously. I thought about questioning him more but I quickly assumed he didn't want that, no one really likes to be asked questions. Especially sad ones. So instead, I tried to find the funniest movie I could so we could watch and eat our pizza.

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