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It was late and I currently laid in bed while on the phone with Isaiah.

"You wanna go somewhere with me tomorrow?" he asked.
"Where?" I wondered.
"They're havin' a party for Deion. You told me you wanted to start goin' to Westdale with me."
"Will it be a lot of people?"
"Probably. But they won't bother you. Just stay by me."
I wanted to go for support but that still sounded scary.
"Okay..." I agreed.
"You wanna go?"
"Yea, I'll go."
"It's at 2 I think, but that really means it's at 5."
I snickered.
"You gonna spend the night with me too?"
"I'd have to clean your mom's place really early if I do."

"What do I wear?"
"Whatever you want."
"Can I wear jeans?"
He snickered. "Yea, Bunny. You can wear jeans."

I was not excited for this at all.


I'd been standing in the kitchen drinking coffee for about thirty minutes now after laying in bed staring at the ceiling for a previous thirty minutes. Both times I was just thinking about what I'd agreed to attend with Isaiah.

My dad came downstairs.
"Morning." he greeted.
"Mhm." I sipped.
"What's wrong with you?"
"Then why are you staring at the counter with a cup of coffee in your hand and not blinking."
I blinked once I realized then looked at him. "Good morning."
"There she is. What's wrong?"
I sighed. "I promised I'd go somewhere with Isaiah today in honor of one of his friends that passed. But...it'll be a lot of people. People that I don't know. And I'm nervous."
"Did you tell him that?" he asked as he started the coffee machine.
"I think you should."
"But then he'd tell me to stay home and I don't want to do that after he lost a friend and asked me to be there with him."
"So then what? You're gonna try to get over it for his sake?"
"That's selfless of you."
I sighed again.
"I think it'll be okay. You'll have him and if anything goes wrong I will gladly leave work to pick you up."
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"I am." He poured his cup of coffee then held his mug in his hand after putting the pot back.
"Okay. I'll go then. But I have to stop at Pam's house to clean first."
"Why so early?"
"Because I don't know how long the celebration will last." I partly lied.

I know he's getting used to Isaiah but I don't want to tell him things so hastily. He might be comfortable with me going out with Isaiah but that doesn't mean he's comfortable with me spending the night with him just yet. I know he will be at some point, but Isaiah hasn't completely gained his trust, yet. So some things need to be kept hidden until then.

"Okay." he accepted.

I headed out of the kitchen to go back upstairs and change but then I had a question.

"Did you...teach Isaiah how to tie a tie yesterday?"
"No." he stated and looked away from me as he sipped.
I snickered and headed back upstairs.

I figured I'd just put on what I'd wear to the party rather than change twice.

I found a small shirt and my favorite pair of jeans then headed back downstairs.

When I arrived at Pam's house, she was already in the kitchen.
"Willow, I swear you get here earlier and earlier."
"I'm sorry. It's just...Isaiah asked me to go somewhere with him for Deion's passing and I couldn't not come into work again after I left you yesterday."
"It's okay, sweet pea. How'd yesterday go?"
"Really well." I smiled.
"Really? Tell me about it."

I walked closer to her and sat at the kitchen counter.
"At first Isaiah was clearly very nervous but then him and my dad sat on the couch together while I fixed dinner. I don't know what they were talking about. At the dinner table, for like the first three minutes, it was really awkward. But we all started bonding through listening to my dad tell us stories of my mom. It was fun."
"Isaiah told me she passed. I'm sorry to hear that."
"It's okay. I just wish I knew her."
"I bet." she nodded.
"I hope Isaiah and my dad become at least relatively close over some time. I want the two to get along. They're the only men in my life, I'd hate it if they didn't. It was already stressful trying to hide him from my dad before."
"I understand. If they didn't, it'd make it really awkward to work for me, wouldn't it?" she scoffed.
"Yea," I laughed.

"I see you straightened your hair, it's very pretty."
"Oh, thank you."
"But I do love your curls." She smiled.
I snickered. "Thank you."
"Don't worry about the kitchen. It's clean and I'm going out to eat with some friends later anyway."

I got out of my seat to get to work and the moment I did, I just thought about the party again.
I wondered if I'd meet more of Isaiah's friends.
If they'd like me or not.
If they'd say I wasn't good enough.
If they'd do that weird flinching thing at me again like everyone in Westdale does for some reason which I still hate but don't have the courage to tell them to stop.

Would there be violence?

Now I was really panicking.

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