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The week was over with and I was back home.

I still kept in touch with Isaiah. We got on the phone every night before I went to bed. He told me how he plans to do all of his schooling back to back, including over the summer, so he can get it over with quicker. But he told me he likes it. Which I was happy about.

Me and Morgan stood side by side currently, waiting to be called for our first film interview. Tv interviews start a week or two before the movie is released.

"Are you nervous?" he asked me.
"I'm shaking." I laughed.
"Me too." We laughed together.

"Okay, you two can go." said the lady with the headset.

We walked out, I in my designer dress and pointed toe heels, and him in a nice sweater and dress pants. Ever since this trailer was released, I'd been getting a lot of free clothes from brands with a note saying how they'd like to work with me. It's a great feeling and definitely a confidence booster.

The interviewer stood up and shook our hands before we all sat.

"Wow! It is great to finally meet you guys!" he stated.
"You as well." we both replied.
"You two are new to the acting gig, right?" he asked.
"Well, I am. Morgan has been doing it longer than I have."
"Around...I'm 27..." He started trying to do the math in his head.
"That's 16 years, sweetheart." I said and pat his knee. He and the interviewer broke out laughing.
"It's alright." I stated and rubbed his knee.
He rubbed my hand. "Thank you."

"So how's it feel to land such a big role on your first go around?" the interviewer asked me.
"Unbelievable. Lucky, mostly. Mr. Durango has always been my idol so to not only be casted in a large film but in a large film written and directed by him is like a dream come true."
"Right." The interviewer nodded. He looked back at his cards. "You two play an interracial couple set in the 40s, how did you handle that? I know it must've been tough on the mental."
"Not just in the 40s but in the south during the 40s." I added.
"Right." The interviewer nodded attentively.
"God, I don't even wanna talk about it." Morgan scoffed and I snickered.
"What happened?" asked the interviewer.
"It was such a hard thing to witness, and although it was fake, I knew it happened in real time." Morgan explained.
"And Morgan's such a sweet guy, he'd apologize sincerely every time he had to call someone colored or a negro." I added.
He snickered.

I wouldn't mention the fact that Morgan cried the first time he was told to say it.
Like four members of the black community consoled him, including myself, to let him know that we are okay and he can say it for the role.
While the movie is fictional, it shows a real point in history where things like this were happening.
I actually appreciate Durango for not sugarcoating it. This wasn't something to take lightly. It's even better that it's written as a horror story. Because it was horrific.

"After seeing the trailer for this film, it seems like you two had great chemistry. Something a lot of actors struggle with portraying on film."
"Oh he's just a great person. I couldn't not like him." I stated.
"She's humble and she's a liar. I'm an asshole."
Me and the interviewer laughed.
"I don't know why she'd lie to you like that." he added.
"Well I was trying to keep that a secret for the people." I joked.
"I see." he nodded. "I'm a great person." he stated and we laughed again.

"But no, in all seriousness, a beautiful woman. Inside and out. I don't think I could've asked for a better costar. She's amazing. And with just natural born talent. I went to acting school. She just woke up and decided 'I'm gonna be in a movie today'." he said and I snickered.
"And not just any movie. Not just a side character." said the interviewer.
"One of the leading roles in a Robert Durango film!" Morgan added. "Hats off to you." he told me.
"You're in the movie too!" I laughed. "Hats off to you too."
He shook his head at the interviewer. "Told you she was humble."
We laughed.

"You two are aware that just off of chemistry alone, you'll probably be working together often." the interviewer said.
"Bring it on! This is my work wife." said Morgan.
"I encourage them to hire us together!" I added. "Did we just get work married?"
"We just got work married." He put up one hand to make half a heart and I completed it then we looked at the interviewer who laughed.

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