"I'll think about it."

"Tell me what you think."

"I'm talking about dreaming about you. What are you talking about?"

"Same thing as you."

"Okay. Night, Halstead and mini Halstead."

I looked down and she just let out a giggle as she slipped into her room.

"Long day?" Asked Diego as I walked into the bathroom.


"How was it?"

"Not great."

"Sorry to hear that but I know what can cheer you up."

"Oh yeah?"

"Drinks with me tonight. You can be my wingman."

"Sorry, Diego, I'm too tired."

"No problem, man. I'll see you for the parade tomorrow, yeah?"

"Yep. See you then."

I climbed into bed and instantly fell asleep, I've never been so tired. The heat doesn't help.

The next day, I got changed into a pair of sport shorts and a loose top. I grabbed a hat because we were told it's getting hotter and I didn't want a burnt head because that hurts like hell.

When I came down for breakfast, Helena laid out some chocolate waffles in front of me.

"Smells delicious, Ma'am. Thank you."

"No problem, Jay. Have you seen Ellie this morning?"

"Sorry, I haven't. I heard her get up but I haven't physically seen her."

"Hey, ma. Where's San? She has my bottle."

"I don't know. I can't find her."

"Roberto, do you know where Ellie is?" Asked Helena.

"You know she doesn't normally turn up for the parade. She's always with Sammy." Said Roberto.

"Not this year. He said he's going with Ava."

"Can I borrow a surfboard?" I asked Diego.

"You know how to surf?" He asked as he led me to their board hire.


"Then take a paddle board." He said as he reached into the blue and white shed that was next to Helena's shop and grabbed me a board.

"Where's the paddle?"

"Use your hands. Look after my sister."

"Cheers, I owe you one, Diego." I said and ran down the beach with the paddle board.

I spotted a few surfers out, who were sat in a circle on their boards. They did some type of handshake before they paddled away from each other.

"C'mon Sandrelly, where are you?"

I paddled out to where she was sat on her board but couldn't get to her in time as she caught a wave. I turned around to see her board bob up but not her.


"Ellie! Where are you!?"

"You looking for San?" Asked Abi.

"Yeah. Where is she?"

"She caught the...she did catch the wave. San!"

"Guys! Where's San!?" Shouted Darren.

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