"I- I think so " I whispered out , eyes downcast.

"Then that is that . Your word is final . Cassandra , you are a sister to me and I would hate for you to no longer see me as such . However , I completely understand if you do not feel the same but there's no point having a pointless bloodshed over something that can't be changed . I will not ask you to ever be in the presence of my son again but what is the point in a war when we've lost so much already ?" Jasmine said , her tone somber .

" I agree , let the treaty still remain intact and let us leave " Cassandra nodded , her eyes never leaving her sons form.

" Well I do not agree , it's unfair that Zia gets to come out of this with no repercussions and get to ride off into the sunset happily ever after with that degenerate. What about Hadrian ? Why should he suffer ?" Nylah hissed , her eyes glowing yellow as she looked at me .

"No repercussions? She was kidnapped and imprisoned and put under a curse !" Ivan snapped , stepping forward .

"Oh well, that's not enough ! She should be put on trail for her deceitful ways . Everyone else may forgive you but I will not , you are no sister to me" Nylah promised.

Ivan took a step forward but I quickly grabbed his arm .

"She's right , let it go . My actions were unforgivable but as long as we can all agree to be peaceful , the meeting may as well end" I said quickly, wanting to stop any more potential arguments .

"Lay a finger on me again and next time I see you , I will kill you mutt" Snarled Enzo , banging against the force filed .

Hadrian let out a long snarl that I was positive it was him promising Enzo the same .

"Okay , Welp this was boring. If we're all done here , I'm ready to go back home . I've had enough teenage angst to last me a life time . Back in my day , you just kidnapped a person and then they were yours . None of this choice and peaceful resolution nonsense " Chaos scoffed , standing up .

Jasmine gave him a dirty look before grabbing Enzo by the arm and teleporting out the office .


After the meeting , I decided I needed some semblance of normality so I decided to go and see Adria and Oliver .

I missed my friends and I hadn't seen Oliver since he had found his mate , a big part of me was looking forward to just hanging out with my friends and being a normal teenage girl .

" I missed you guys so so much" I exclaimed , throwing my arms around them both .

Adria was as gorgeous as ever in her tiny 4ft 11 glory with flawless pecan brown skin , a tiny upturned nose, grey almost white eyes and long purple braided locks. Oliver looked adorable with his  5ft3 frame with clear porcelains skin , freckles scattered across his tiny button nose , curly fiery red hair and Cupid bow lips .

"As you should ! The last time we spoke you were happily in love with Hadrian but had a slightly wondering eye and then next thing we know , you've entered your Romeo and Juliet era and ran away to the underworld loverboy in tow!" Adria exclaimed , pinching my arm .

"Ouch !" I exclaimed , rubbing my arm .

For someone so tiny , she sure had a mean pinch.

"And then we hear you confess what you did to Hadrian , run away again , lose Raven , almost get Enzo and yourself killed!" Chimed Oliver , his eyes wide.

"Don't remind me . I've been a complete disaster and almost waged a war between the wolves and the witches. I don't even want to think about what my impulsive stupidity could have cost me ". I groaned .

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