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Authors Note : The bonus chapter of Blue and Kavos making up is now up on my Tumblr so you can click the link in my bio on my Wattpad and it'll will lead you straight to my page or you can simply type in my name 'gothamgirl21' in the tumblr and find it that way.

Also bonus surprise , it's all in Kavo's point of view !

Be sure to follow my tumblr for more! I'm going to be more active on there :)

Be sure to follow my tumblr for more! I'm going to be more active on there :)

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My mothers words rang through my mind as I tried to process them , she thought Bast was her mother ?

How was that even possible ?

As far as I knew , my father had snatched my mom from her birth mother before giving her to Ms Reid and Margret to raise as the perfect mate and it wasn't like it was a secret where my mother was either . Everyone knew where she was being raised and Bast didn't exactly strike me as someone who would sit idly by and let her child be raised by strangers .

Not only that , Bast wasn't some weak human , there was no way my father could have just taken my mother and she hadn't put up a fight. With the way she spoke to my dad back at the underworld it was also clear she wasn't scared of him so I couldn't understand why she would let him take my mom , if she was her mother anyway .

Which is exacly what I voiced .

"I know , I know" Moms brows furrowed and she chewed her lip anxiously " I just have a .... feeling . When I saw her , the way she looked at me and the way I felt , I felt like I was at home. I can't explain it"

"Well she is also the goddess of children , fertility and protection . She does have a motherly kind of aura" I pointed out slowly , watching my mother carefully .

"When you looked at her and spoke to her , what did you feel ?"

"I-I'm not sure , she seemed cool and intriguing but that's it I suppose"

"Exactly but I felt more than that. I know it sounds stupid Zia but when she looked at me , I saw myself. There's no way you can't see some sort of resemblance now I've pointed it out"

With a frown , I pictured Bast in my mind and I couldn't lie , there was definitely some sort of similarities.  They had the same chocolate coloured skin , similar facial features and almost identical lips but vague similarities and a feeling wasn't enough to go on .

"But why would she let dad take you then ? She's powerful , she doesn't look like the type to let her child go"

"I know and that's what I need to find out because there has to be more to the story than Kavos magically knowing which human was going to specifically birth me and him taking me away from her. I never ever really questioned it before , I was taught to not question so I never gave much thought to it but it's been bothering me so much since I had children myself . I always wondered who my mother was , was she looking for me and what would have happened if I wasn't taken away" Mom explained , her tone getting more and more passionate .

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