Chapter 24

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My stomach rumbled and my eyes watered from the effort. I didn't have any strength anymore, I don't even know how many days I've been here now, but if someone doesn't come soon and give me water, I'll dehydrate in a shitty storage hall.

Jungkook wasn't getting any better but was still trying to break out. He will give up at some point too, just like me. Now he was lying in the corner and his eyes were swollen red.

I didn't want to die, especially when thinking about what would happen to Lisa? Maybe she will never be happy again. Or she will be and walk to the altar with someone while I rot under the earth. She'll have nightmares and probably move away but none of this should happen.

I pulled myself together and took a look at the scrap bins on the shelf. There were only old rags, empty oil cans and a screwdriver, nothing that could help us. Besides the scissors, but what do we want with it? It looks like it will fall apart at any moment and it is no longer sharp.

I tried my luck anyway and fiddled with the scissors on the door. But I'm not as cool as the ones in the movies. Out of sheer anger I threw the scissors against the wall and the handle jumped apart.

"I don't want to die here." I yelled and kicked the door. It didn't move a bit.


Who was that? I looked at Jungkook but his eyes were closed, it wasn't him. I think I'm already imagining things.

"Hey?" I asked back, my voice cracking and I gasped.

"Hello, I'm Anna." A child's voice laughed.

"Hello, Anna. Where is your mother?" I asked cautiously. This child could be our salvation. It just had to be her.

"Shall I get her? We're out for a walk now."

"Anna, please get your mother and bring her to this building." I called.

I heard her run away laughing. I prayed to grate that she would bring her mother. I couldn't die here.

I leaned against the door and started crying again. Jungkook didn't move anymore and I sat here while I waited for a preschooler to get her mother. Maybe she was the only salvation.

"Is there anybody?" An adult voice could be heard, skeptical about what is going to happen to her now.

"I brought my mom!" Anna's voice sounded.

"Please, get us out of here." I cried and knocked on the door.

"How long have you been in there? What is your name?"

"I don't know, maybe three days? My name is Jennie." I spoke "Please, get us out of here!" My throat tightened and I couldn't get a sound out but I'm being saved now. Finally.

"The police are coming, stay calm, Jennie."

But suddenly I started coughing, my throat was scratchy and my eyelids got heavier until everything went black.

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