Chapter 7

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Taehyung caught me in front of the school's front door. He was chic. All in all he looks good, too good to hang out with me actually.

"Hey." He beamed and pulled me into a hug. I noticed Jennie's clique watching me.

"Wow, who messed you up like that?" V asked concerned when he saw my bruises.

"I have something to tell you." I said quietly and pulled him in, away from this stupid group.

I told him all about Jennie and I, how Joy came back and that we had sex.

"Wow. You're the affair of the most popular girl in school."

"The worst thing is, she came to me yesterday to ask me why I'm suddenly hanging out with you. She thinks you're flirting with me." I said and he laughed.

"Oh man. But hey, how about we make her jealous and walk around hand in hand?" He grinned and my cheeks turned red.

"Jennie will be so jealous she'll want to make this official with you and maybe I'll get Jungkook back." He wagged his eyebrows and held out his hand. I agreed. We were the most homosexual hetero couple. What Jennie can do with Joy, I can do with V.


We walked around together all day and held hands. It was weird but through V, I got to know new people. His friends were really nice and they also understood that we are all just playing. They agreed to keep their mouths shut and perpetuate the lie. It was weird walking around with him though.

But when I had a free period and was sitting alone in the cafeteria, I heard footsteps coming towards me. It was Jennie who didn't look amused.

"What does that supposed to mean?" She asked and stood in front of my table.

"What?" I played dumb and sat back. The show can begin.

"How long have you been with that guy named Taetae?"

I grinned, but inside I was afraid of her reaction.

"Answer me." Jennie said and hit the table. I was startled, but caught myself.

"It's none of your business. Before we slept together we were friends but now you treat me like your property that you only use for sex."

She straightened up and gave me a hurt look. Don't worry, I'm the victim here.

"Maybe I feel more for you too. Who knows? So have fun with your boyfriend."

"What kind of person are you?" I screamed as she turned to leave. Anger built up inside me and I exploded.

"You'd rather walk around with a pompous bitch and not even talk to me during breaks!"

Jennie turned back to me and looked at me numbly. "Exactly."


In the evening I decided to go to her. Actually I was mad at her and wanted to ignore Jennie but I just had to talk to her. There was no other way. I had to have clarity, even if things might be going badly.

Around 6:00 p.m. I rang her bell and Jennie's mother opened the door for me. Suddenly I regretted my plan.

"Oh Lisa! Come in." She said excitedly as if she had been waiting for my visit.

"Jennie is upstairs."

I thanked her and went up the stairs and to her room.

I knocked hesitantly and opened the door.

She was sitting on her bed reading a book. But when she saw me, she put it down and came towards me.

"What?" She asked directly and crossed her arms in front of her chest. It got on my nerves that they always had to hang out with the maker. She still has a uterus, after all.

"I want to talk." I said confidently. I wasn't scared of Jennie. I also knew that she would never hit me.

"Ah." She said and looked past me. Her clock ticked to the rhythm and the TV was on, but the sound was off. It drove me crazy

"Tell me what you need to say." I continued to break the silence.

"I have nothing to tell you." She sighed like I was interrupting her important meeting.

"So are we going to keep ignoring each other? You're going to act like we don't even know each other?" I broke off, having no idea how upset I was by her answer. I thought I didn't care, but I did. Jennie considered.

"I dont know. I'm so sorry for everything but no one should touch you but me. This loser shouldn't buy you flowers, I should do it. I'm terribly jealous, yes."

I swallowed. "He is not my boyfriend." I said quietly.

"Wow, apparently we're no better than Karma and Amy either."

"Who are they?" I asked as we sat down on her bed.

"The lesbians from 'Faking It'?" She acted like I was stupid.

"Never seen." I answered. She rolled her eyes.

"And now?" I asked quietly as she nervously tugged at her sweater. Her eyes met mine and I sank back into that indescribable color.

"I'll buy you flowers because I want to be with you." Jennie spoke and waited for my reaction.

"But what about Joy?" I meant. I didn't want to be the secret girlfriend while she made out with her at school. Even I didn't need that.

But Jennie said nothing. she considered.

"I'm breaking up with Joy but we're keeping it a secret at school."

That made me angry. I didn't want to triumph over her or become more popular. I just wanted to sit next to her and do my projects with her. But she seemed ashamed of me.

"Just tell me that I'm embarrassing you!"

"Lisa. That's not true. I just want to save you from Jungkook and the others!"

"Why are you friends with them if you don't even like them?" I asked angrily. She sat on her bed and I followed her.

"I like them. But sometimes they're just assholes. Lisa, I really like you very much. I want to be there for you and do more things with you. You are beautiful and unique in my eyes. If I knew why I felt this way about you I would tell you but I have no idea why but I like it so I just enjoy being in love. I hope you feel the same way about me, or at least spend time with me so I can prove to you that I'm good for you." Her eyes were shining and Jennie was suddenly sentimental and so vulnerable. It was pretty sweet what she said, and yet actually what I wanted to hear.

I kissed her slowly and she pulled me into her arms. She gently laid my head on her chest and kissed my head.

"You really are something special, Lisa."

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