
"It's stupid, especially this game. Did you see what they were saying about yo-" John stops.

What did they say?" I ask curiously.


"They said something, and you are going to tell me!"

"How much time has it been?" He asks nervously.

"Stop trying to change the subject!" I yell. I lean back on the shelves that lined the wall. Little did I know that these shelves were old and flimsy. As leaned back the shelf I leaned on gave way and fell off the wall. The loose shelf caused me to fall back and hit my head against the wall, causing the other shelves to give way. The shelves and everything on it falls on me.

"Paris!" Sceams John. I couldn't move, mostly because I was too weak to move the shelves and various board games and other junk off of me, and I was just too lazy. John starts to remove the rubble off of my body.

"Well, that hurt," I tell him.

"Are you ok?" He asks helping me up.

"Of course I am, I was only crushed by a couple heavy boards," I reply sarcastically.

"Ok, you are fine." The door to the closet opens.

"Are you ok?" Asks Rain who opened the door.

"Yeah I am fine," I reply.

" We heard a crash, and got worried."

"Well don't need to worry I am fine," I reply," Also I found out what 7 Minutes in Heaven means."

"Well," Rain responds.

"It is really stupid, and John told me you were talking about me while I was in closet." The room goes silent.

"You know what, I am just going to..leave," I tell the silent partygoers. I walk out, wondering what they had said about me.


I stand next to the snack bar, the party was going to end soon and I still don't know what they said about me. I notice John hanging out with his friends. Maybe he would finally tell me what they said. John walked toward the snack bar, without any of his friends. This was my chance.

"Hey John," I call.

"What," he replies. I motion him over to me. Surprisingly he comes over.


"Tell me what they said," I demand.

"Mmm, ok," John finally agrees," Well when you went in the closet Rain spun the bottle. Bryce was picked but he refused to go in. She let him get away with it and then she spun it again. This time it landed on Blake. He also refused. Rain spun it once again, laughing at how many times she had to spin this bottle. The bottle landed on Kobe, he also refused. Rain spun it one last time and it landed on me. I refused but she made me go in. While I was entering the closet, all the guys and a couple of the girls were laughing.....at you, and me." I couldn't respond to that. I just stared at him. Am I really that undesirable?

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Of course not!" I snap, tears starting to form around my eye.

"Oh, well I want to buy food.....so I have to go." John left awkwardly. It didn't hurt that Bryce rejected me (I would reject him too), it didn't hurt when Blake rejected me, not even John. The fact that Kobe didn't want to be in a closet with me for 7 minutes really hurt. Does he really hate me that much? The rest of the party I moped around. To be honest the party was fun until we played 7 Minutes in Heaven; that's when everything went downhill. The moral of the story is to never play a game you don't know is about with a bunch of 8th graders.


I really didn't want to go to school. I only wanted to go to see Kobe. I know what he did at the party was rude, but he probably was just going with the crowd. He has to be cool in front of his friends. I don't really understand what the big deal is, but in some way I do. I personally don't go with the crowd, but most boys will. The reason why none of those jock boys like me, or Summer, or any of my loser friends, is because they have to stay with the norm. They would be deemed uncool if someone found out they like a girl who is less popular than them. Until one of those boys steps up and admits that they like one of us, none of them will think it is ok. One day those boys won't care anymore and maybe they might find one of us attractive, but until then we are too lame to be liked by them, which is unfortunate.

"Isn't it great to be back!" I announce. My friends laugh. The year was half way over, which felt weird. I can't believe it has been one semester, it doesn't feel right.

"I'm so excited for drama!" Summer exclaims.

"Yeah, me too," I lie. Ok, to be honest I was kind of nervous for drama. I'm afraid people might make fun of me. What if I don't do good? Maybe I'm worrying about it for nothing, but that's what I am good at, worrying.


"Paris! Paris!" Exclaims Keeley who was waving her hand in front of my face," Stop staring." I awake from my daze. I was staring at Kobe....again. He was literally playing basketball in front of us, how am I not supposed to stare?

"What?" I ask.

"Like my haircut?" She asks. During winter break Keeley had cut her hair.....short. She literally looked like a guy.

"I like it, bae," I lie. There was nothing wrong with her hair, but she looked better with long hair. Keeley has been going through difficult things lately, and like always I have been there to help. I give Keeley a stern stare.

"What?" She asks confused.

"Lift up your shirt," I command.

"Don't worry bae, I haven't cut since November."

"Good," I smile. This year a couple of my friends have been acting suicidal. For example, Keeley. Honestly I don't know why. Cutting has always been kind of dumb. Suicide is just plain stupid. Honestly these people's problems are temporary. I saw this little quote somewhere that said:
"Suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem."

I completely agree with this quote. Suicide is dumb because it just shows that you aren't strong enough to deal with the lows of your life. I would never even think about suicide, but that's me.


I arrive in 7th period, nervous. I sat next to Summer in the 3rd row of the auditorium. Mrs. Juniper was our drama teacher. She explained some rules, which took a lot of the period. Finally, 20 minutes left in the period, we started some singing. Our production focused on everything Disney. It was called "The Magical World of Disney!" It sounded cool, and I do like Disney songs. We sang some sample songs. I got used to singing in front of everyone. It was actually kind of fun. The best part of the period was when all the guys had to sing "I'll Make a Man Out of You" from Mulan. They sounded terrible, which made me laugh. I was actually excited about this period. Oh great! Now I have to wait another 24 hours to come back to this class. All well it is totally worth it!

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