Lost kitten? The cure's fluffy action

Start from the beginning

Yinsy and Yangso felt that a light orb was stolen and showed the girls the way. "Carlos!" Aoi said. "Give back the light orb!" Kyoko added. "I'm not gonna lose this time." Carlos said and held up the pendant. "Rise from the darkness. Go forth, Darkaro!" Carlos yelled and the golden light orb turned black before flying out and turned into a monster that looked like a dog. "Darkaro!" It yelled.

"He took the light orb from an animal." Aoi said as the kitten meowed from the purse. Kyoko gently put it down. "Stay here little kitten." She said and the kitten stayed still. Yinsy and Yangso flew by the girl's side. "Let's go." They both said and the fairies nodded.

The girls and fairies flew around in a pink and blue void and smiled. "Inner lights. Illuminate!" They all shouted and lights appeared from them, making a pink and blue round crystals. "Yinsy." Kyoko started. "Yangso." Aoi then added. "Change up!" They both said and the fairies shined before turning into a round circles with a hole in the middle. Their arms and heads was still there, together with Yangso's tail. "Light crystal ready." Kyoko and Aoi said before throwing the crystals at the fairies who caught them in their arms.

The crystals glew and the girls grabbed respective fairy. "Pretty cure, light up!" They all shouted and light appered around them. Their outfits appeared. It was their gloves, dresses, shoes, earrings and necklaces. Then their hair changed too. Yinsy and Yangso then flew onto the girl's waists, where Yinsy earned a pat on the head. And Yangso earned a high five.

Kyoko landed on the ground with cherry blossoms flying from her. "The blooming light of passion. Cure Sakura!" She said and did her pose.

Aoi landed on the ground with water drops flying from her. "The splashing light of wisdom. Cure Afrodite!" She said and did her pose.

"We ninja of light will protect everyone's shining hopes and dreams." They both started and stood in a pink and blue void. "Ninja light, pretty cure!" They ended and pink and blue sparks appered around them.

The Darkaro charged at them but they dogged it and get in hits. Carlos watched them and got worried. "This isn't good." He said and looked around. Then he saw the kitten in Kyoko's purse and grinned. The cures kept fighting before they heard Carlos. "Stop right there." He said and the cures gasped when they saw that he was holding the kitten in his hand. "Let go of the kitten!" Sakura said and Carlos laughed. "If you want it back. Come get me." He said and ran off.

"You go. I'll handle the Darkaro." Afrodite said and Sakura nodded before running after Carlos. She jumped infront of him and swept his legs, making him fall as she caught the kitten. "Thank goodness you're okay." She said as Carlos stood up. "I'm sick off you pretty cure!" He said and prepared a punch at Sakura. But she caught his fist while holding the kitten and looked into Carlos's eyes. "And I'm sick off you. Stealing people's hopes and dreams. I will not stand for it!" She said and pushed Carlos back hard, making him hit a tree.

He looked up and saw Sakura infront of him. She quickly grabbed his pendant and crushed it. "Don't ever try to hurt someone innocent again." She said and jumped off to help Afrodite. Carlos looked at the crushed pendant shocked as fear ran through his body. "What am I gonna do now?" He said as a hooded figure walked up to him. "Let me help you with that." The figure said and held their hand out as Carlos looked conflicted.

Afrodite was fighting the Darkaro and panted. "I won't give up." She said before the Darkaro used it's tail to knock her to the ground. It walked closer to her before they heard a familiar voice. "Hey doggy. You're a bad boy." The Darkaro looked and saw Sakura jumping towards it. She jumped high into the air and started to spin as pink light appered around her. "Pink drill kick!" She yelled and hit the Darkaro on it's head, knocking it out.

Afrodite looked up and saw Sakura holding the kitten. She helped her up. "Are you okay?" She asked and Afrodite nodded. "Finish it off. I hold the kitten." Afrodite said and Sakura handed the kitten over.

Sakura held her hand over her heart and made circles around her with light. "Let the love blossom." She said and the circles turned into giant cherry blossom flowers. Then Sakura held up her finger, making the flower pedals swirl like a tornado. "Pretty cure. Sakura blossom hurricane!" She yelled and held her hand forward, making the hurricane of pedals hit the Darkaro.

It exploded into light, making the golden light orb fly back into the dog, which made it's eyes turn back to normal as it's hopes and dreams came back.

The cures transformed back into their civilian forms and walked out of the park. "What happened to Carlos?" Aoi asked while holding the kitten. "I left him after crushing his pendant. Hopefully he won't bother us." Kyoko said and Aoi smiled. They didn't see the hooded figure and Carlos watching them. "So when are you gonna show yourself?" Carlos asked and the figure looked at him. "When the time's right." The figure answered and Carlos nodded. He also felt happy for the figure.


Carlos looked at the hooded figure. "Why would you help me?" He asked. "Because. I know what's gonna happen if you return to your queen." The hooded figure answered and Carlos reluctantly grabbed it's hand and stood up. Then the hooded figure took down it's hood and he was shocked of what he saw.

End of flashback

"Let's go." The figure said and jumped off, followed by Carlos. It was afternoon and the girls walked past the pet store as a worker walked out. "Girls wait." He said and they stopped. "What is it sir?" Aoi asked. "You found the kitten. She escaped earlier today and I didn't notice before now." The worker said and the girls smiled at the happy news. "We're just happy we found her home." Kyoko said and Aoi handed the kitten over.

They smiled but felt a little sad. The worker saw this and smiled at them. "You know. This kitten needs a home. And I think I've found the perfect one." He said and handed the kitten to Kyoko who smiled. "You mean." She said and the worker nodded. "Just take care of her okay. And give her plenty of love." He said and petted the kitten who purred.

Kyoko promised and she and Aoi walked home. "I can't believe it. But you should have her every second week." She said and Aoi shook her head. "I don't really care about that. Plus you will give her alot more love than me." She said and Kyoko squealed before hugging her. Yinsy flew by the kitten and petted her. "I'm so happy to have a new friend-yi." She said and Yangso flew and petted the kitten too. "She cute-ya. But it's good to not have her by me at home-ya." He said and everyone laughed as the cat meowed.

In the darkened kingdom was Calypso talking in her crystal. "Carlos failed me. I'm so sorry master." She said and the shadow spoke. "Don't worry my queen. I have someone who will help you." It said and into the throne room walked a female ninja. She bowed infront of Calypso. "It's a pleasure to follow you my queen. I'm Amane." She said and looked up.

" She said and looked up

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(A/N. Amane. Not my art.)

Calypso smirked. "And it's a pleasure meeting you. With you, the pretty cure won't have a chance." She laughed together with the shadow.

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