Home- Chapter 16

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(March 6th 2022)

He's leaving. He is really leaving, I thought to myself. My body felt cold as we walked toward the gate, our arms intertwined. Tears were pouring down both of our faces, our sadness immeasurable. Soon enough, we arrived at the gate, the first announcement for the boarding plane ringing out.

I quickly shoved my face into his chest, letting out sobs and dampening his shirt. His chest is heaving as we both stand there, drowning each other in tears. The second announcement rings out as we both quiet our crying, their hand cupping my chin, forcing me to to look at them.

"Hey, it's only gonna be for a few months and then you can move in with me." He spoke in between sniffs and gasps of air. I nod at them, he wasn't lying. After the 16th of may, I would be moving in with him, finally getting to see my wonderful partner again.

I take out a box from my bag, one that was vaguely familiar. Opening it up revealed the tattered and worn letter from under the water fountain. His eyes widen and gloss over again, realizing what it was. Removing the letter I finally see what was inside. Two beautiful bracelets, each made out of rose quartz.

I gently take them out, handing one of them over to Ran. He slides the jewelry onto his wrist as I do the same to mine. We lace our fingers together just as the third and final announcement rings. They use our intertwined hands to pull us into a kiss. This one was different then the others, this was full of sadness.

We pull away as he grabs his suitcase by the handle, staring into each other's eyes, for the last time in real life until after school. "Goodbye love." He spoke softly. "See you soon dear." I returned the good bye, watching them scan their ticket and walk through the tunnel.

He was gone.
I stood there for a moment. Wishing he was here beside me. This felt familiar, like a sense of deja vu. I trudged home, well it wasn't home any more, just an empty dorm room, full of useless furniture that once had a special use.

I opened the door and walked into my dorm room, plopping down on my bed, curling up into the blankets and scrolling through Instagram.
Of course after a few minutes, a knock was heard at the door, so you stood up and gloomily strolled over and opened it. I blond boy stood there with pale blue eyes. (No it isn't Tommy)

(Italics are flashbacks btw)

"Hey, I'm Oliver." He said with a smile. Ranboo, and yes, I know it's a strange name, my parents wanted something unique. I weakly smiled back, pointing to the once full of sentiment dorm. "That's the empty one." "Oh, thank you." I nodded, walking over to my room again and shutting the door, sitting back down in my bed, continuing the previous activity.

A couple hours later a knock is heard at my door, I stroll over and open it to see Oliver. "Hey, uh do you know any food placed near by?" He asked nervously. "Yeah, there's a Mexican place on Marigold Avenue." "Sorry to bother you but do you know anywhere to get food? I skipped lunch flying over here." "Oh you aren't a bother, and yeah there are a few around here. If you'd like I can walk around town with you."

"Oh, thanks." He closed my door again, leaving me in complete silence after the door clicked. A couple seconds of sitting there my phone started vibrating. I pick it up to find Ranboo's contact calling me. My mood quickly changes as I answer the call. "Boo!!!" I shout at the camera. "Hi my love!!!" He yells back.

We are both a giddy mess as we start chatting. Soon the dorm door clicks, signaling that Oliver was back. I paid no attention and walked over to my door and lock it. I have no intention of becoming friends with him. We stay on call for the next couple hours until we both end up asleep.

(April 16th, 2022)
(3rd person POV)

"Listen, they aren't doing good, they may have great grades and their working good but they haven't contacted anyone besides you in weeks." Ace spoke into the phone, pacing back and forth in Y/N's living room. They had been through 5 roommates in the past weeks.

Oliver was first, then some redheaded extrovert who apparently couldn't handle Y/N being introverted. Some brown haired boy who played guitar and left after no avail to befriending Y/N.
Some emo chick who left after a day after seeing how "non dope" the dorm was, and finally some blond who is most definitely having an uhm, fun activity in her room.

They were in a full on depression.

(May 17th, 2022)
(Back to your POV)

My leg is bouncing as I take my head phones out, arriving at the train station. Ranboo would be waiting for me just outside here. He had just came back from America and had found a flat that would suit the both of them wonderfully.
The doors opened as people were pouring out of the train, pushing and shoving.

I was waiting as long as my patience would let me until I started pushing the crowd out of the way.
I needed to see them. It had been so long.
I was almost out the door before an elderly woman steps in front of me. "Pardon me dearie. My legs aren't what they used to be."

She had a simple wooden cane, walking slowly out of the vehicle. I wait there impatiently, rapping my foot against the floor. I wasn't going to push past an old woman but god could she go any slower? Soon enough she moves off the train and I pile out with the rest of the crowd, frantically whipping my head around looking for him.

"Y/N!!!" I hear a voice from behind me. One I absolutely love. I pivot on my heel, toward the familiar voice. I spot him, that fluffy light brown hair, their simple t-shirt and jeans, and those striking metallic irises.

Suddenly, my body is moving faster than my brain can think, running towards them. I stumble slightly but quickly get back up on my feet, running and jumping straight into his arms. My body flies through the air as his arms engulf me in them, being held close to his chest. I nuzzle my face into their neck, my hands wrapped around it as well.

His hands come around my torso, holding me closer than ever before. I've felt happier than I have in weeks, months even. "I missed you my love." They spoke, his head buried in my hair, they both of us letting out sobs of pure happiness. "I missed you so much Ran." I spoke.
We stood there for a moment, just embracing each other.

We break apart but not for long before he connects our lips, both of them chapped and rough but the kiss was relieving. It felt so good to be back.

Time skip cause I can

I finish cleaning off my plate before drying it off with a cloth towel and setting it into a cupboard.
A pair of arms snakes around my waist and around my stomach, pulling me back until I hit something. "Darling, do you need something?" I turn around, pecking him on the nose. "I want to show you something. Come here."

He takes my hand, leading us somewhere in the house until we arrive at our bedroom. I watch him walk across the room toward the window, pushing it up and open and stepping on the windowsill and pushing himself onto the wall with ease. I wait there, not entirely sure if I should follow or not before their head appears from the roof, gesturing me to come up.

I comply, walking over and mimicking his movements and pull myself onto the roof, sitting criss cross next to them. "Now, just look up." They spoke softly, pushing my chin up with 2 fingers until I'm at eye level with a galaxy full of stars. "Wow" is all I could make out, my breath taken away from the stunning view.

I turn to rest my head against their shoulder, his arm swinging over mine and pulling me closer to them. I smile before looking at his hand, spotting the rose quartz bracelet on their wrist. I grab his wrist with my hand, putting our matching bracelets side my side. He grabs my own hand, intertwining our fingers together letting them rest in their lap.

I smile, turning my head back toward the stars.

I'm so glad that I'm finally Home

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