Bitches and Beach Parties- Chapter 6

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You were cooking dinner which was a microwave pizza, while Ranboo was finishing up his stream.
The microwave beeped and you went to take it out, and set it on the table.

Ranboo exits his room when he hears the ding and he inhales the savory smell of the pizza.
He goes over to snatch a piece but you swat his hand away. He looks at you with a frown.

"Did you want to get burnt? It just came out!"
"But Im hungry nowwwww" he whines.
"Well you can wait 2 minutes." You say and walk over to your plugged in phone.

Ranboo sits on the couch and picks something to watch on Netflix. Your phone pings and you tap the text notification. It was from Kaliah.


Hey! My Birthday party is tomorrow!
You can make it right? It's at 7:30-1AM.
It's at Brighton Beach. You can bring
your new roomie too!

"Hey, Boo, my friend is having their birthday tomorrow. It's at the beach from 7:30 to 1. They said you can go if you'd like."

He hesitated for a second. "Uh sure, thats fine. I don't like swimming though..." he says nervously. "Oh no worries, I don't like it either, most I'll do is dip my feet in." He nods his head in response and turns back to the TV


Hey, we are both coming tomorrow.
See you then!
Read 8:25 PM

You sit on the couch next to Ranboo and slowly drift off to sleep, leaning your head on his shoulder, his head on yours. The peaceful moment was one to remember.

Time skippppp

You head to your room and change into a simple beach outfit that matches your style. You weren't going in the water so you left your swim suit in the drawers.

Ranboo is standing by the door waiting for you.
When the door creaks open his eyes dart to you.
A small grin spreads across his face, "You ready?" You nod your head and the duo heads out the door.

They decide not to drive as the beach wasn't far and the weather was very nice. You and Ranboos hands lightly brush together and both your faces flush a dusty rose.

He intertwines your hands together and you both remain at peace. This moment was perfect. The small sunset, the sweet air from the candle shop a few doors down, him holding your hand.

You eventually spot a party like area on the beach and spot Kaliah and Ace chatting near a bunch of balloons. Ace turns his head towards you and they both dash your way, scooping you into a hug.

"It's been too long! Where have you been?!" Ace asks. "I made a new friend! Everyone meet Ranboo!" The 2 turn to meet his eyes and Ranboo anxiously grabs your wrist.

They both smile "Hey! Nice to meet you" they say in sync. "Hey guys! Oh...who is this." Amari says. Amari is Kaliah's girlfriend who you always thought was annoying but never said anything.

Kaliah turns to Amari, "This is Ranboo, Y/Ns roommate and new friend." she replies. Amari looks Ranboo up and down which you thought was weird but brushed it off.

The 5 head to the little Tiki bar Kaliah set up to get drinks. You never particularly liked alcohol so you got a lemonade instead. Ranboo didn't know what to get so you came up with a solution.

"Hey, my lemonade is pretty big, wanna share?" You asked. He breathed a sigh of relief and nodded. You took an extra straw and stuck in the drink. You scan the place and see Amari staring daggers at you.

You are weirded out but you don't think anything of it and continue sipping on your shared drink.
It's about 9:00 and the sky turned into a beautiful rainbow of colors.

You look around for Ranboo but can't find him anywhere. You start searching around the crowd of people but he is no where in sight. You see 2 people a few meters away, Ranboo and...Amari?

You feel hurt, did you have that big of a crush on Ranboo? You start to walk away but you turn right around when you see her try and hold Ranboos hand. He had the most uncomfortable look on his face and you dashed right over to him.

"So, I was you wanna come over to my place and ditch this party..." she flashed a wink and wouldn't let go of his arm.
You sprinted over as fast as possible and slapped her hand away.

"What the hell!" She screams.
"What the hell is right! What do you think you were doing?!" You yell, bewildered and furious.
"Well I was trying to flirt until you messed it up asshole!" She yelled back.

You were livid. How fucking dare anyone make someone uncomfortable like that. "Stay the fuck away from him. It's plainly obvious he doesn't like you! He is uncomfortable just by the look on his face! How dense are you!?" You scream.

"Listen. He obviously likes me. So why don't you walk away." She snarls. "For the last damn time. Get the fuck away from him. LEAVE HIM ALONE! Not to mention you have a PARTNER!"
You yell in anger.

"What are you gonna do about it, bitch?" Thats when you lost it. You strike her across the face.
She moves her hand away and a fat red spot is revealed. You have no intent of apologizing.

"How fucking dare you! You are gonna get killed by Kaliah!" She starts to storm away but not before you shout. "If you say one thing about this, I'll tell Kaliah what you did to Ranboo." She pauses and sighs in defeat and continues walking away.

You turn around only to get wrapped in a hug.
"Oh! Hey, are you okay?" You ask calmly when you hear the soft sobs coming from your shoulder. "That was horrible. I-I dont... why...jesus." You quiet him and motion for him to sit down next to you.

He sits down, immediately crying into your shoulder, his hands coming around your waist in a hug as if he was holding on for dear life. You wrap your own around his shoulders, drawing shapes into his back to calm him down.

A few minutes pass and his sobs settle down and he only has a few tears dropping down. You wipe the tears away with your thumb and rest your hand on his cheek. He calms down leaning into the touch.

You let a tear fall but he notices immediately. "Hey, why are you crying?" His tone turns to worry. You dig your nails into your arm. "I should've known where you were. This is all my fault." He grabs your hand and turns your face to his.

"This is not your fault. I am not your responsibility, it's not your job to worry about me. It's all that Amari brats fault. Don't put this on you." His tone and soft words calm you down and you relax.

"You're right. It's all her fault." He nods in response. You shed another tear but before you could wipe it away, you feel soft lips on your cheek where the tear dropped. He lingers their for a second till he pulls away.

Both your faces are beet red. He slowly starts to lean in, his hand still on your cheek, guiding you. You are centimeters away before the moment was ruined.

"Hey! We are about to cut cake and dance in the water! Come on!" Kaliah said exclaims. You both pull immediately away. Confused, happy, and upset about the situation, the duo walk back to the bar.

The duo arrives back, both a deep red before they get pulled into the crowd to continue the party.

Your welcome. That's all I have to say
That's it for chapter 6. Thats it today folks. Bye everyone!

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