New Years Pt.1-Chapter 9

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It was December 30th and Ranboo and I were sitting on the couch, watching F/M (favorite movie) when I got a text notification. He paused the movie while I check my phone.
It was Kennedy


Hey love! My parents are having a
New Years Eve Party tomorrow and mom
told me to invite a few friends! If you'd like, you can fly to NY and you can bring your new roomie too! I'd love to meet them! Also my parents said they will pay for the tickets!
Sent 9:36PM

My face brightened at the texts and I quickly turned to Ranboo. "Boo! Boo! Boo!" I squealed out while rapidly hitting him on the shoulder
"Alright calm down. What are you a kindergartner?" He said teasing me. I glared at him before continuing.

"1. No, im not a child. 2. My old roommate Kennedy is having a New Years Eve Party and she said I could bring you if we wanted to go. Will you go with me?" I ask in a very excited tone.
"Do I have a choice in this?" He asked sarcastically.

"No, now pause the movie and get packing. I'll tell her we are coming, we will probably stay for about a week I think cause I haven't seen her since November." I ramble aloud. I was finally gonna see my best friend again!

"What if I want to leave after 3 days?" "Well then you can suck it up and stay for a week cause neither of us are paying for your plane ticket home. Now get to packing" I say cheekily.
He rolls his eyes and enters his room while I text Kennedy back


Hey! Yeah of course we are coming! My
roommate is coming too! His name is Ranboo
btw. What time will the boarding be? We need to be there on time! Also tell your parents thank you!

Alright! I can't wait to see you! I'll buy the tickets and send you them! The boarding should be at about 9AM so that you can nap or rest when you get here so you stay up until midnight for the party. Does that sound alright?

      Yep! Sounds great! I'll see you tomorrow! Bye!
Read 9:41PM

I rush to my room and rush over to my closet, pulling out my suitcase. I hadn't traveled in years so it was stuffed all the way in the back. Once I got it out I zipped it open and laid it on my bed.
I went to my drawers, pulling out a few different outfits to wear.

I start putting them in my suitcase when I hear a knock at the door. I rush out of my room and to the door not wanting to keep the person waiting for too long. I unlock the door to reveal Kaliah and Ace.

"Did you get the text from Kennedy!?" Ace semi shouts and I nod my head rapidly and pull the duo into a group hug. Once we were back with Kennedy, the group would be back together. The 4 of us had been friends since 7th grade and had been practically inseparable.

Ranboo came out of the room and waved at the two. Ace wasn't having it so before Ranboo walked past he grabbed his arm and pulled him into the group hug. Ace was always the mom of the group, making sure no one got left out.

Us 4 broke apart and I went back to my room while Ranboo went back to his and Kaliah and Ace went into the kitchen to steal our food and probably bicker about something or other.

I walk back over to my clothing options and study them over. None of them looked good enough and I wanted to look somewhat fashionable in New York. I poke my head out the door and yell at the duo as they were munching on a bag of Doritos I bought the other day.

"Ace! Come here I need outfit advice! Kaliah you can come too!" I walk back over to my suit case as the two both come in the door, looking at the clothing options. "Okay, what on earth were you thinking. This top should've been thrown out years ago. It's 2022 babe." Ace says and throws the shirt across the room.

An hour later of Ace throwing clothing and Kaliah matching tops to bottoms, the fits were complete. "You guys are live savers, thank you so much." I say as I look the outfits over. "No worries! This is basically why we came over as we knew you'd probably need help." We all embraced each other before heading out the room.

Ranboo was sitting on the couch watching something on the TV before he turned to face us.
"Jesus Christ y'all are loud. I could hear things being thrown." We all start laughing before explaining the situation to Ranboo.

"We should probably go. We have to wake up early anyway and it's already like 12:30." Kaliah states checking her phone. Us 4 say goodbye to one another and the 2 leave while me and Ranboo both enter our own rooms and soon enough drift asleep.

Hello guys! It took too long for me to update but I'm sure you know why, im not going to get into it but if you don't know, check out Techno's recent video. I love you guys and stay safe. That's it for chapter 9 folks, bye everyone!

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