Forever-Chapter 15

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Gorgeous. The lake was shimmering and sparkling as it reflected the moonlight. The soft grass underneath my shoes, the light noise of cars in the city not to far from here. Standing next to the person I knew I wanted to be with forever. I couldn't imagine a more perfect scene.

Ranboo grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers as we stared at the water, mesmerized by its beauty. We stood there, taking in the silence that is only graced upon those who are patient enough to hear it. I turn towards Ranboo, surprised to see what the moonlight did to his face. It casted a glow in his direction, the rays making his eyes more prominent than before, the gray hues making me star struck by his appearance.

His glance shifted to mine as he turned his body toward me. A hand reached down and grabbed my other and I flicked my eyes up to meet his. Staring into his gaze was the safest I've felt in years. I was on cloud 9 and didn't want to get down. I pulled him in for an embrace and he gleefully accepted, his hands wrapping around my torso as mine wrap around his back.

My face was pushed into his chest as his chin laid on my head. His thumb rubbed circles into my back, numbing my senses so that I felt serene.
He pulled away from the hug, his eyes finding mine and looking into them with pure love.
"Goddamn you Y/N..." he said, looking away and a breathy laugh escaping his lips.

I smiled at him, taking his hand and pulling him down toward the floor so he could sit with me. We sit in silence, admiring the lake, or at least I was. I snook a glance at my partner and saw that they were looking at me instead of the lake, his eyes moving across every inch of my face.
My hand intwines with his, pulling myself closer so I could lean against his shoulder.

A couple minutes later, the silence is broken by a buzz from my phone. I frown at the end of the moment but I take my cell out from my pocket and check my notifications. It's from Scott.

(How many of you forgot that you were his editor? Don't be shy, raise your hand.)


Hey Y/N, sorry for texting late at night but
my stand in editor just quit and I have a tiny favor to ask.

No worries Scott, what's up?

So, I need a video out by tomorrow, because
I promised everyone I would give them Empires content. I need to ask if you would ever
so kindly edit it for me? I know you still have 2 days on your break left but I would seriously appreciate it.

Would you love me forever and ever
and ever, and stay besties with me?

I thought I already agreed to that

Fineeee, I'll cut my break short, it should
be done by tomorrow.

Tysm Y/N! You are a life saver!

I turned back to Ranboo who was still staring at the shimmering lake in front of us. "Boo, unfortunately we have to leave a bit early. I promised Scott I'd edit a video for him."
His lips turned into a slight frown when he heard the news. "Oh, okay. That's fine." He shrugged before following his sentence up with another.

"Could I stay in your room while you edit?"
I rolled my eyes and took his hand. "The answer will always be yes Ran." I said pecking him on the cheek. A pink blush danced across his face, smiling as we walked out of the forest.

~Time Skip~

We arrive back at our dormitory and drop our bags down in my room. I plop down at my desk as Ran takes a seat on my bed, grabbing a pillow and resting it in his lap. I turn on the computer and check my email to find the unedited video Scott sent me. I transferred it into the editing app I use and got to work. Shortening clips, adding sounds, placing subtitles, cutting the 5 hour long video into a simple 12 minute Empires episode.

I push away from the desk, kicking the leg of it to spin my chair around toward Ranboo, who was sleeping peacefully on my bed. I smile, getting up to go sleep in his room before a quiet mumble makes me turn around. "Don't leave..." I grin at him, stepping over to the bed and getting under the covers, my body facing the theirs. I shut my eyes as an arm snakes around my waist, pulling me closer to Ranboo.

I place my head into a comfortable position between their neck and under his jaw and wrap my arms around his torso. He lets out a sigh, his grip loosening as their breaths get heavier. I fell asleep just as fast, my last thought being how much I adore the person I'm holding in my arms.

First and foremost, I finally updated. Next chapter will be the last unfortunately, but I'll be starting on a Tubbo one which may or may not be really long cause I have a lot of ideas but it just depends on my motivation. Secondly, RANBOO CAME OUT AND USES HE/THEY PRONOUNS! IM SO PROUD OF THEM FOR DOING THAT! I won't be changing the overuse of he pronouns for him in this book, simply cause I'm lazy, but I will be using he/they for the remainder of this book and any other books they may be in :)
Alright, this is the end of the 2nd to last chapter guys, see you soon folks!

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