New Years Pt.3- Chapter 11

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(Long chapter folks. Get comfortable. 2918 words)

"Hey, Y/N...we are here." A familiar male voice says. I knew who it was but the soft lips on my head confirmed it. My eyes flutter open only to see Ranboo looking at me with soft, admiring eyes.

"Alright, thank you Boo." I get off of his shoulder and stretch out my arms. The others were chatting outside the car while me and Ranboo were still inside. We crawl out of a car to reveal a huge villa.

"Woah...I forgot your parents were loaded...holy shit..." I say, awestruck at the huge building. It was painted all different whites and grays with black accents. A little moat outlined the building with some little lily pads floating around.

We enter the villa through large black doors. We walk in to see a average sized living area with a pristine crystal chandelier hanging in the middle.
There's a kitchen to the left of you with an kitchen island that has small bar stools.

2 people seemingly in their 40's walk through 2 white double doors near the opposite side of the living room. "Hello Everyone!" The woman says and the man just waved.

The couple walk over and pull Kennedy into a hug. They pull out from the hug and turn to the rest of us. "Oh! Hello Y/N, Kaliah, and Ace! So lovely to have you over again!" The woman hugs each of us one by one while the man shakes each of our hands.

They both turn to Ranboo who was standing behind me. His face filled with worry as he grabbed onto my wrist. "Hello dear! I don't believe we've met. I'm Naomi, Kennedys mother." She says, quick to pull him into a hug.

He awkwardly hugs back before escaping the hug, his grip moving to my sleeve, rolling the seam between his fingers. "Axel. Pleasure to meet you." The man introduced before shaking Ranboos hand. "I'm Ranboo. Thank you for welcoming me into your home." He says politely.

~Time Skip :)~

After the introductions were finished, Kennedy started discussing rooms. "Alright so we have two guest rooms, one with a queen, one with two twins. You guys can figure it out okay?" She said walking back to her mom to help her with dinner as many of her new friends would be arriving.

Ranboo stared at me, signaling he wanted to share a room with me. He wasn't close to the other two so it made sense. "I'll share a room with Ranboo, you guys can have the other." Kaliah and Ace stared at each other with a sly look.

Suddenly they both grabbed their suitcases and dashed up the stairs, their cases clunking behind them. I was confused but brushed it off. "Come on, let's go get one of the rooms." I grab his free hand and we walk up the stairs.

We enter the twin bed room only to see Ace and Kaliah, laying on both of the beds. "Oh! Would you look at that! Guess you two will have the other room with the queen bed." Kaliah says with a smug smile.

Ranboo shrugs and heads toward the other room but not before I flip off the duo. We enter the other room and lay our bags on separate sides of the bed. I pull out my phone to check the time. 1:30PM

Damn, it's a long drive from the airport to here.
I plug in my phone and lay it on the nightstand before walking to the door where Ranboo was waiting. "Ready to go downstairs for lunch?" He asks holding out his hand.

I gratefully accept the hand walking towards the stairs only to be spun back around and a hand grip my waist lightly and delicate lips grace my cheek. The lips linger for a second before pulling away so I can see Ranboos face.

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