NYC- Chapter 12

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TW: Mature Language

Everyone at the party left. The ship was lifeless and bare, decorations taken down, tables put away. The only thing that showed a party had happened was a left over sign that was lying in the dirt path.

I walked between the trees, dodging branches, evading leaves being blown about. After we had counted the signs, we left one still in the forest somewhere and I was sent to retrieve it. Strong winds pushed through the trees and I walked up the path, searching the ground for any sign of carved wood.

I felt like a salmon swimming upstream, the harsh breeze mimicked the water flow of a rapid river. My steps were heavy, my body full of exhaustion and distress. I never liked the woods at night, the wind imitating the whispers of people, the cracking branches making my head turn at every sound.

I soon spotted the dollar store sign, 'New Year Party This Way!' drawn on in sharpie, laying in the dirt beneath the tree. I walk over, bending at the knees to pick it up. My cold hands touch the wood before immediately retracting. "Shit." I mumbled out. Splinter.

I instead use my other hand to pick it up with no casualties this time. Walking back to the manor was easier than the walk away from it, as the wind was pushing me in the right direction. A minute later I see the living room light shining through the glass doors. I exhale a cold sigh of relief before walking the stone path inside, wood sign in hand.

I push open the door to find Ranboo sitting on the couch, messing with his phone before his head whipping towards mine. "You're back- holy shit Y/N what happened to your hand?!" He asked in pure panic, his face covered in worry. I look down at my hand to see it dripping in blood. That must've been a bigger splinter than I thought.

"Oh, I got a splinter from the sign, I didn't think it was that big..." I said staring at the long sharp piece of wood sticking out of my palm. He rushed over and snatched the sign out of my hand and lying on the counter before grabbing my splinter free hand and dragging me along to the bathroom. I flushed a pink tint at the touch but followed him anyway.

He asked me to sit on the counter while he grabbed a few things. He came back with a bandaid and tweezers incase any wood was left in there. He grabbed the thin, pointy shard of oak and took it out of my palm before blood started slowly dripping out. He looked around for any extra wood but found none so he opened the bandaid and put it on before looking up to smile at me.

"Thank you Boo, but I could've done this myself y'know." I said running a hand through his hair. "Yeah but I wanted to help since you had to go get the sign and we're obviously the most exhausted out of all of us." He said leaning into the touch. "Aww, thank you." I spoke before moving my hand to the counter and pushing off.

Ranboos face turned to one of a childish pout as I  removed my hand from his hair. I rolled my eyes at his childlike attitude. "Don't be such a big baby, people will start calling you baby boo." I laughed before planting a peck on his cheek and walking out of the bathroom.

I plopped myself on the bed, plugging my phone in and lying it and my AirPods on the nightstand. I had changed into sweatpants and a hoodie before I left so I was ready to sleep. Ranboo walked in on me plugging in my phone as he went over and lied down on his side of the bed.

I turned my body to face him. He had a silly grin plastered on his face, one I had gotten used to. His hand slid around my hips as he pulled me closer to him, his warm hands touching my ice cold back as I buried my face into the crook of his neck. His head came to rest on top of mine and we fell into a peaceful sleep.

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