Roomates-Chapter 2

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TW: Mature Language

She did it. She got accepted.
You were in a tight hug with Kennedy, the both of you thrilled. Kennedy auditioned to go to a photography school in New York and she had been waiting for months to see whether she had got in.

You were crying into each others shoulders, filled with joy. "You did it...just like I said you would" they said in a proud manner. "I-Im so excited I can't believe Im going to the top photography school like ever" she laughed between her words.

They soon calmed down and started talking about her photography work, her moving out, her daily schedule- wait...moving out? The realization hit you as you were talking. She wouldn't be your roommate. She would be across the fucking ocean.

She is one of your closest friends, you could trust her with anything, and now she's moving to the US. That's 14 hours away from Brighton. You tried to slip a question into the conversation.

"When are you leaving for New York?"
Kennedy stop talking and whispered "In a week..." The both of you started tearing up before a knock was heard at the door. You wiped the remaining tears and got up to answer it.

Two faces appeared at the door. The rest of your group (soon to be trio). "Hey! Kenz texted us! I'm so proud of her, where is she?" Kaliah said while going in for a hug. "She definitely deserves this, she's worked too hard to not get in" Ace said joining the hug.

"Hey guys! She's in the living room, come in!"
The group shared hugs and talked about the trip and the whole finding a new roommate ordeal and eventually you all fell asleep on the couch.

~Time Skip~

This is it. She's leaving for good. You won't go into the dorm and see her bouncing curls again.
You were both crying, locked in a hug.
Gate 12 Flight to New York Boarding Now
You eventually pulled away and stared into her eyes.

"Shit, I'm gonna miss you so much"
She laughed lightly. "Ill be back for March don't worry. I'm not leaving you guys for that long, you'll burn down the building" You both giggled at the thought.
Gate 12 Flight to New York Final Call

She grabbed the hand of her suitcase and with a sad smile on her face, she left.
She was gone. You stood there for a moment. Wishing she was here beside you.

You realized people were staring so you quickly made your leave shooting her a quick text.


Hey, text me when you land okay?

Okay, I have to turn my WiFi off, love you

Love you too
Seen 10:47AM

You left the airport and went home. It felt so empty and alone without Kennedy. You sighed and flopped onto the couch. You didn't really know what to do so you grabbed your guitar and started messing with it.

You made a sweet melody and kept adding onto it when a knock interrupted your music. You set the instrument down and walked over to the door expecting Kaliah and Ace but instead you were met with metallic gray eyes.

And that's chapter 2! I may post again today since I'll be bored but only time will tell.
See you next chapter, Bye everyone!

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