Dancing in the Rain- Chapter 5

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I was on the floor cross cross flipping through my math text book while Ranboo was across from me, laying down finishing an editing project.
I got bored so I grabbed my phone to turn on some music. I put on Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People.

Ranboo looked up from his laptop and bopped his head to the music. We started doing a slight dance to the music until he gestured to me to turn it up. It was almost at full blast and we weren't even focusing on our work anymore.

A bang came from the wall, the neighbors were annoyed. You turned the music off and Ranboo frowned. "Sorry Boo, neighbors are annoying." He grinned at the nickname and continued working.

After you both finished, you got up to get a slice of pumpkin pie from the tin, cutting a slice for Ranboo as well. You walked back into the room and his face lit up as he saw the pie. He gratefully took the slice from your hands.

"Im bored Boo." I whined. "Hello Bored, I'm Ranboo." I rolled my eyes and threw my pencil at him which smacked him dead in the forehead. We were both laughing on the floor until I felt hands wrap around my waist.

You were being lifted into the air and sat on the shoulders of Ranboo. "What the hell Boo" I laughed as he started walking out the door. "Payback for the pencil" he said chuckling

He made his way outside of the complex before setting you down. "What was that for?" You asked while giggling. "The sky looks pretty and I wanna be outside." He calmly stated before laying on the sidewalk.

You made your way over before laying down next to him. You had accepted the fact that you had a teeny tiny crush on him but there was no way he would like you back. My thoughts were interrupted by a water droplet falling on my arm.

Another one came, followed by another until it started sprinkling. Ranboo suddenly stood up, held out his hand and asked "Care for a dance?" He said it nervously but you accepted his hand and relief flooded his face.

"Let me pick a song! Hold on!" You unlocked your phone and opened Spotify. You scrolled through your liked songs until you found Anniversary by Autoheart and clicked play.

You grabbed his hand and immediately started dancing. (I'm imagining the dance scene from Tangled lmao) the beat picked up and the dance became more face paced and the rain poured down harder.

His movements were graceful and his face filled with joy, same as yours. As the bridge finished you both danced as if there was no tomorrow

Giving you up? What are you on about?

The twirls and spins became faster

Never give up believing in us

Your steps moved in sync as you slowly spun closer

Now why would I do a thing like that?

The music started ending but the two didn't pay attention they were too caught up in the dance

When it comes to you

They suddenly meet in the middle. Hand in hand. Their body's brushing against each other. Their eyes meet as they realized how close they were.

They took the moment to take in the other. Gazing over their eyes, nose, ears, lips, freckles, and hair before they abruptly pull away.

For a moment, everything was silent.
"We should...head back inside..." you say breaking the silence. His eyes don't dare to meet yours. "Yeah, probably."

You both enter the building, faces dusted with pink. They don't speak until they go to part ways at their dorm room.

A flash of boldness over takes you. You walk over him and take his hand. His still rose colored face turns to you.

You lean up standing on your tip toes and peck his cheek. "Tonight was fun, thank you." And you dash into your room. You didn't think he was ever going to talk to you again.

Little did you know you left him standing their, brick red with a wide smile on his face.

That's it for chapter 5! I didn't update yesterday cause I didn't know what to do for my this chapter but I got inspired by that song so here it is! See you next time folks, bye everyone!

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