Pumpkin Pie-Chapter 4

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It's been about a week since Ranboo moved in and it's like we've been friends forever. He is probably one of my best friends now. We were supposed to go somewhere today but he had something to do for work and so do I.

I'm currently editing a new Scott Empires video.
Shortening clips. Adding text. Adding Timelapse music. Shortening more clips. Finally you were done. You sent the video to Scott and awaited a text from him telling you it's good or if you could add something.

I'm gonna check on Ranboo, I heard lots of noise over there. I jump out of my chair and walk out of my room. I walk in and this is what I see.

A huge set up with 3 monitors and a PC and it's all in great condition (besides one monitor it looks like something was thrown at it) and
Ranboo wearing sunglasses, and a black and white mask while talking to the screen.

His face turns to me as he quickly says "Uh, one moment chat..." he walks up and ushers me out of the room and shuts the door. "Okay, what on earth is going on? You said you had work! Not playing animal crossing!"

"Look I'm sorry, I should've come clean in the first place. I'm a streamer so my job is to play video games or talk to my friends and make jokes and be entertaining and that's how I make money. It's like being a YouTuber but no editing and it's all live."

It's all starting to make sense. That's what the noise was the past 4 nights. "I promised chat I'd do a early stream so I am. Please don't be mad." He had a guilty look on his face and you couldn't be mad at him. You move your hand to ruffle his hair. "I couldn't be mad. It is your job."

He looks up and he smiles happily "I need to get back to streaming now. I'll be done in about 30 maybe 45 minutes." You nod your head and you both walk back to your rooms. My phone pinged as I walked in. Text from Scott.


The editing looks great Y/N seriously.
Couldn't ask for a better editor.

I know I'm just the best 😌

Never mind, I'll find a new editor
and best friend.

nOOOoOoO! I need moneyyyyy.
I don't have anyone to tAlk tooooo

Fine, you still suck.

FaceTime :)))



You tap accept and Scott's face appears on screen. "Hey Y/N" "Sup bestieeee"
We talk for a while until I hear a knock at my door. "Hey one sec." I get up and answer the door. "Hey, what's up?" I ask looking up at him "Oh, I finished streaming and wanted to know if you wanted to bake something? It's almost Thanksgiving after all." He says sheepishly

"Sure, one second I have to end the call with Scott." His face contorts into a slightly anxious look. "Oh, is that your boyfriend?" You look up with disgust. "No way, 1. He is in his late twenties and 2. He is one of my best friends. 3. He is my boss. I edit for his channel"

His face covers with relief but you didn't see that, you were hanging up with Scott. "Hey Scott, I have to go, I'm baking a cake with my roommate Ranboo." He looks quite shocked. "You know Ranboo?" You look between the both of them until you ask. "Ranboo, do you know the channel

"Yeah, he controls MCC and he plays on Origins SMP." You connect the dots and respond. "Scott is my boss and I edit for him. You know him from streaming. That's a coincidence." He nods still slightly in shock, until he practically shouts "HEY SCOTT" "HELLO ENDER BOI"

"Y'all are strange, anyway, bye Scott." You hang up and turn to Ranboo. "Alright, let's bake!"
You both go to the small kitchenette and agree on Pumpkin Pie. You get out all the ingredients and place them on the table while Ranboo prints out the recipe.

"Okay what first?"
You are preheating the oven while Ranboo is pouring in the filling. You get an idea, kind of cliché but you do it anyway. You open a cabinet and take out a small bag of flour and grab a small handful. You wait for the moment he turns around.

"Alright, now we wait for-."
You cut him off by throwing flour in his face.
You laugh as he starts wiping flour off his face
"I'm sorry okay I'll help." You say still giggling
At the same time you both reach up for his hair and while you are ruffling it out your hand brushes against his

He quickly moves his hand back down while you get the rest out. You get it all out of his fluffy hair but before you retreat back he boops your nose.
"Payback, now you have pumpkin pie filling on your nose" He has a smug look on his face.

Without thinking you move up and boop your noses together. You realize how close you were and you start blushing but you move away to 'check' on the pie filling. Oh god please say he didn't see me like this.

Ranboo POV

Holy crap. I'm blushing so hard. I can't have a crush on them...can I?

That's the fourth chapter done! I hope you enjoy this book so far. Im aiming for it to have about 15 or more chapters but we will see how that goes.
That's all for today folks. Bye everyone <3

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