Back in Buisness-Chapter -14

94 1 15

TW: Mature Language, Harrasement

I scream from my spot under my desk, sitting back after successfully fixing my PC. I push myself out from under the desk and turn around to see Ranboo sitting criss-cross on my bed, eating animal crackers.

"Wow. Eating my snacks I see."
I spoke, standing up and looking over to see my nightstand drawer open. "Well you had animal crackers." He said plainly, taking another cracker and popping it into his mouth. "Not my fault you ate them all." I retorted.

It's been about a week since the NYC trip, and saying goodbye to Kennedy again was the worst but we still call almost every night. It hurts sometimes when I look over to Ranboos dorm and don't see a head full of curls come bouncing out of the door. At least I have Ranboo.

Speaking of Ranboo, I didn't realize how much of a kiss fiend he would be after we got together. Stealing kisses whenever he could whether it was taking me away from my work to occupy my lips or snatching my arm in the kitchen to place a peck on my cheek. Either way I wasn't complaining.

"We should probably get going dear." He said grabbing his bag off the floor and tossing it over his shoulder. This week happened to be 'New Year, New You!' ' week, or that's what they called it, and every student including online kids had to attend class by actually being on school grounds.

"Your probably right." I said, picking up my own bag. "I'm always right." Ranboo said smugly. "Yeah yeah yeah lets go before we're late"
I said, rolling my eyes as I walk out the front door as he follows suit.

A couple minutes later we arrive at the school building, hands intertwined and entered. We had to go our separate ways to get to our lockers as they were unfortunately on opposite sides of the school. As I'm fumbling with the lock, a weight lands on my back.

"Holy fucking shit-" I semi shout, pushing off whoever it was. I turn around to see the same bitch who has been bugging me all week. Autumn. "Hi baby!" She says leaning in for a kiss. "Ew fuck no. I already told you I have a boyfriend now go find someone else to bother." I grab my books out of my locker and start to walk off, unfortunately being trailed by her.

"Oh come on, you know I'm cuter, smarter, and more lovable than whoever your dating." She rolled her eyes and pulled on my sleeve. I shrug off her hand and continue on my way, ignoring her. She nags me until I see Ranboo and I dash over to him.

"Oh hey Y/N-" His words get cutoff by me grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him down to my level and pressing hard against his lips. He doesn't pull away and just goes along with it, cupping my face with his hands and sighing against my lips. We pull away and I look to see Autumn nowhere in sight, thank god.

"What was that for love?" He says a little confused as to why I kissed him in the middle of the hallway. "Just this annoying girl honey, nothing to worry about." I said laying one hand on his cheek, caressing his cheekbone with my thumb. He leans into the touch before the school bell rings, interrupting the sweet moment.

~Time Skip cause idc about school shit~

I'm waiting near the front doors of the school for Boo, like usual except it's taking longer than normal. I'm confused until I hear an annoying voice from inside the school. Ranboo exits out of the school walking sluggishly over to me with a mesmerized Autumn tagging along. "Is this the girl you were talking about?" He says swatting her hand away from his own.

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