When Boy Meets Girl (Nalu) - Part 4

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Sorry for the delay guys! You know how life gets! For those that have enjoyed the story thus far, THANK YOU! When Boy Meets Girl is still not over! I have no ending in sight at the moment but As of right now I can see maybe two more chapters. This was supposed to be a one-shot and it really has just taken on a life of its own. Enjoy, vote and comment! Your interactions get us seen more! Thank you again and enjoy Part 4!

The next morning, bright and early, Natsu was standing on Lucy's front porch. Dressed in relaxed-fit, dark-wash blue jeans, a form-fitting black polo that showed off his chest and biceps (this shirt would be the cause of Lucy's demise later on, unbeknownst to him), black and red high top Jordans, a simple gold chain around his neck, black sweatbands around his wrists, his trusty scarf tied around his waist with the knot to the side, and Adidas cologne, he looked like a million bucks. He felt like a quarter, he was so nervous. Anxious was an understatement to describe his emotional state at the moment. He had texted Lucy twice this morning, once to say 'Good Morning' and another to let her know he was on his way and still hadn't heard anything from her. Maybe she had come to her senses and really did change her mind. Natsu shook his head to clear the negative thoughts. Sweaty or not, he clenched his fists and knocked on her door. A few minutes later, and there was still sign of life from the house. His heart pounding, he knocked again, harder this time.

"Lucy? You home?" he yelled through the door, hoping he wasn't waking anyone else up. With still no motion in the house, he pulled out his phone and dialed Lucy's number. It rang once, twice. After the third ring, a groggy voice answered the call.


"Lucy? Are you okay?"

"Natsu? Y-yeah, I'm fine." She yawned. "What's going on? Why are you calling so early?"

"Um, Luce? It's almost nine o'clock. Remember? I said I'd pick you up for breakfast to start our date for today? I'm at your house." A brief silence filled the call before he heard an "OH MY GOD!" followed by what sounded like a stampede coming down the steps and getting closer to the front door. Natsu raised his brows in surprise as the door was suddenly thrown open to reveal a heavily disheveled blonde with her phone still to her ear. A look of horror crossed her face as realization dawned on her.

"Oh my god." She said, shock still etched on her face, eyes wide and mouth agape. The male lowered his phone and ended the call before sliding the device into his pocket. A grin crept onto his face, a bit of relief (okay, A LOT of relief) washing over him that she hadn't been ignoring him and had just overslept. The blonde's eyes tracked his movements before realizing that she still had her phone at her ear.

"Oh my god." She groaned, embarrassed as she placed her own phone in the pocket of her robe. She placed her forearm on the door frame and rested her forehead on her arm. "Sorry, Natsu. As you can see, I'm not much of a morning person."

"Yeah, I can see that." He chuckled as he took in her state of dress. Blonde locks in a messy bun that was falling apart, sleep lines on her cheek, a navy-blue robe with golden constellation patters hung loosely over her frame to reveal pink pajamas with yellow stars in the form of a cotton tank top with white lace trim and matching short shorts, barefoot on a hardwood floor, toes complete with pink nail polish. As Lucy followed his eyes, her eyes widened as she realized her appearance in front of her newfound crush.

"Eep!" Lucy quickly pulled her robe together and glanced away. "Um, please come in. Sorry for oversleeping. I can be ready in about twenty minutes, if that's okay."

"It's fine. Ya know, Lucy, if you didn't like mornings, we didn't have to start so early. We could have met for lunch." He replied as he entered her dwelling. She closed the door and turned to him.

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