There's One in Every Crowd - Gray x Loke BroTp

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Chairs and benches were carelessly being thrown through the air. The sounds of splintering wood could be heard as the pieces collided with the stone walls. A man with long spiky black hair, dressed in a white suit, played his guitar on stage, singing a mixture of the blues and scat, completely ignoring the chaos that was taking place before him. People were engaged in physical fights scattered throughout the guild, screaming and hurling insults as well as fists and kicks.

"Damn it! I'll never beat his manly score!" A dejected Elfman cried in frustration after seeing his initials after 'GF' and 'ND'. These initials held the top three spots of the pinball machine scores. There was an enchantment on the wall next to the machine keeping track of the top ten scores. 'GF' held the top three spots, 'ND' held the next 2 spots, and Elfman brought up spot number six. Master Makarov had bought the machine in hopes that it would be an alternative method to release the members' competitiveness without using their fists or magic. Obviously, we see how well that one worked out, Gramps.

Suddenly, the doors burst open and the chaos stilled momentarily in curiosity of the newcomer, only to resume its tenacity after seeing who it was. Gray Fullbuster had just walked, or stumbled rather, in with Loke. The Lion Spirit strolled up to the bar, leaving the ice wizard to fend for himself, his sobriety already long gone.

"Hey, Natsu!" Loke called, getting the Salamander to turn around, fists ablaze. Loke held his cigarette perfectly level with Natsu's flaming fist, effectively lighting it before wrapping an arm around Lucy's waist and pulling her towards him.

"Hey, gorgeous!" he said with a wink as their bodies flushed together. Lucy flushed in embarrassment.

"Hands off, Star Boy!" Natsu snarled.

"Uh, hi, Loke. What's up with Gray?" Lucy asked as she disentangled herself from the Zodiac leader's hold, thus calming the rage that was Natsu Dragneel. Loke laughed.

"Cancer got to him again. No inhibitions for this icicle."

"Next round is on me!!" Gray could be heard yelling above the crowd.

"You're still on your unlimited drink prize this week, Gray!" Mira called. Makarov groaned at the loss of profit. Gray was now currently cheering for Gajeel's performance.

"Shooby doo bop!" he attempted to sing along. "Alright, losers! Gimme some room!" Gray then takes off his shirt (I know surprising he's had it on this long, right?) and starts to breakdance. Everyone's jaws dropped, impressed with his moves.

"Yeah, c'mon Gray!" Loke encouraged from atop the bar top.

"Loke, get off my bar!" Mira shouted, a dark aura surrounding her.

"AAAHHHHH!!! LOKE!! LOKE'S BACK!!!!!!" A massive crowd of Loke's former fangirls had suddenly swarmed the guild, pushing and shoving any mage in their path. Lucy was about to be trampled after being shoved to the floor but was saved by Natsu in a rolling tackle.

"Are you okay, Lucy?" he asked.

"Peachy." The celestial wizard growled, though not at the fire dragon slayer. "Alright, that's it! Leo! Force gate close!" Loke then vanished in a cloud of gold glitter and smoke. "Mavis, he's a handful." She sighed. Natsu still had not removed himself from his position over Lucy. "Thanks, Natsu. I'm alright." She kissed him on the cheek. Natsu's face burst into flames, both literally and figuratively, as Lucy crawled out from under him. The doors then burst open once more.

"Yeah! Now, it's a manly party!" Elfman yelled.

"I'm all fired up! Gildarts is back!" Natsu shouted. And the whole guild erupted into even more pandemonium, if possible, and partied on until the early hours of the morning.

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