When Boy Meets Girl (Nalu)- Part 1

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A/N: So this short story was inspired by the song in the title of this chapter. Some events, descriptions and quips mentioned in this story are based on true stories about me and my husband. :) So, this one's for you, my Natsu! Love you!

"Sttrrrrrrriiike three! You're out. Fairy Tail wins!"

     A roar amongst the crowd erupted as the dugout and spectators swarmed the diamond shaped field. The team surged the mound to lift their pitcher on their shoulders. The teenager removed his cap and raised it high in the air as he cheered in triumph, a huge, face splitting grin on his face, revealing sparkling pointed canines. His normally spiky mop of pink hair falling flat from his hat, he ran his fingers through the slightly sweaty strands as the school's headmaster approached the team with the tall, golden, gleaming trophy. He reached down and grabbed it from the older, short mustached man and hoisted high in the air for all to see. Another roar from the crowd expressed the pride in the team and the school as they cheered for the winners.     "You did it, Natsu!" Loke, the shortstop congratulated.     "Yeah, you're a real man, Dragneel!" Coach Strauss agreed.     "Hey I didn't do this on my own. You guys didn't let anything get by and we had those bats swinging!" Natsu praised his team.     "I don't know about all that, Loke. Flame-brain here had us pretty on edge with that full count." Gray, the catcher, teased with a smirk. He, of course, had to get a dig in on his best friend as he playfully punched Natsu on the shoulder.     "Hey, we won, didn't we?!" the pitcher yelled back irritably, a vein beginning to make its presence known on his temple.     "Good job, man." Gray replied sincerely as he held his fist out for his friend to bump. The pink haired teen smirked and met his friend's gesture with his own. After the interviews and pictures with the local news, school and town media outlets, the coach ordered the boys to the showers.     "It's not manly to stink at 8 Island for your victory celebration on the house!" At this, the teens whooped in elation as they hurried to shower and change into clean clothes.At the restaurant, the whole team was treated to an all-you-can-eat pizza dinner, joined by their family and friends.     "YEAH! I'm all fired up! No one's been able to beat my pizza eating record!" Natsu boasted as he began to dig into his meal.     "Actually, Natsu, I'm hard-pressed to tell you that someone was in here just yesterday and beat your record. I'm very sorry." The owner, Mr. Yajima said. Natsu's jaw dropped in shock and the slice of pizza that he had been eating fell from his mouth.     "WHATT?!" Natsu shouted incredulously as he scrambled out of his seat to look at the wall of fame that housed the records of food challenges that the restaurant offered. Sure enough, his initials and record were gone and in its place were the letter 'LH' with a record that had beaten his own by a solid seven slices! He couldn't believe it. Not even Gajeel had been able to come close to his record. And here was some nobody who had beaten him by almost a whole pie!     "Who is this guy?!" he asked as he angrily rounded on the owner, pointing at the new addition.     "They asked to remain as little known as possible so their initials were all I was allowed to post. They just moved to town and don't know anyone yet." Mr. Yajima explained.     "HAHAHAHAHA!!! Someone's got you beat Salamander!" Gajeel jeered through a half full mouth of food. Natsu huffed and sulked back to his seat and resumed eating his food, although with lackluster.     "Aw c'mon, Pyro! Get over it. Your mopey-ness is ruining my appetite. Besides we can come back another day and get your record back." Gray accosted his friend. Natsu immediately perked up and raised his glass.     "Yeah, you're right! Here's to the Champions!" The pitcher toasted.     "To the Champions!" The rest of the restaurant returned. At that, the team began to voraciously eat away at their meals. A while later, a chime sounded near the front of the restaurant, alerting Mr. Yajima that a customer had arrived. He excused himself from the celebration to attend to the patron.     "Good evening, Mr. Yajima!" the girl smiled happily.     "Ah, Lucy! So good to see you again!"      "You, too!" the girl responded as she quickly looked around and noticed the rather packed establishment. "Someone celebrating a birthday?" she asked curiously.     "Not at all." The owner waved off the insinuation. "The boy's varsity baseball team just won the championship and so we as a community are treating them to their victory dinner." he explained.     "Oh that's so nice of you, Mr. Yajima." she replied, offering him a sweet smile. "Well, I won't keep you. I'm just here to pick up my order."     "Not a problem at all, dear. I'll go fetch it." he said as he turned around to go back to the kitchen.     Meanwhile, the second the female's voice was spoken, a certain playboy had his ears and eyes locked on to the front of the house. One look at the blonde bombshell at the front counter and the shortstop swore time stopped. An elbow to the ribs from Jellal, the first baseman, shocked him out of his stupor. He immediately started whisper shouting to the rest of his teammates.     "Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! Look! Look! Look! Look!" The team followed his line of sight toward the host stand. Most of their jaws hit the floor while the three other's looked on in mild interest. They had girlfriends already, of course.     The blonde that stood leaning against the counter was roughly five feet 6 inches tall, had long smooth creamy legs that disappeared under a denim mini skirt and tuned into a taught round derrière. She sported a flat stomach, curvy hips, thin waist and a healthy bust (read: huge rack) to finish off an hourglass figure. She wore a bright red, low cut tank top that exposed a bit of her midriff with the Heart Kreuz logo in gold spread across the chest of the garment. White flip flops donned her feet that accentuated the tan she was sporting. Her golden mane was pulled up in a high ponytail that still ended at the small of her back. When Mr. Yajima exited to the kitchen, Loke made his way to the front to shoot his shot while the others followed.     "Hello, Gorgeous. I'm Loke. Might I know the name of the beauty that hath stumbled upon this cave of barbarians?" Loke purred to the female, taking her hand and bringing her knuckles to his lips. Natsu snorted at the insult.     "He's one of 'em." he mumbled to himself. Lucy giggled at the remark that she knew she was not meant to hear. Natsu's eyes lit up at the sound. Lucy wasn't interested in romance with this gentleman but she didn't want to come across as mean or rude. She did just move here after all.     "My name's Lucy." she replied, taking her hand back from him and loosely grabbing onto her purse strap.     "Lucy in the sky with diamonds in her eyes. What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman." he spoke as he leaned slightly into her personal space.     "Way to be smooth, pal. Thanks but I'm not interested right now." The blonde smirked playfully. Wait. Did Natsu hear that right? A girl told Loke she wasn't interested? The pitcher, as well as the rest of the team, scrambled forward and shoved Loke to the side to properly meet this enigma that was immune to Loke's charms. Natsu, of course, got there first.     "Hi! I'm Natsu! Nice to meet ya!" He introduced himself with his megawatt smile and stretched his arm out to shake his hand. "This is Gray, Gajeel, Jellal, Bixlow, Jet and Droy." he continued on, introducing the rest of his teammates.     Lucy's eyes widened in surprise at the rush of boys coming at her, but soon smiled and introduced herself again. She accepted his hand in greeting and she immediately noticed how warm his hand was. A light blush coated her cheeks as her eyes quickly scanned the rest of him. Strong hands turned into very toned forearms. She could almost see the corded muscle under the tanned skin. Further up revealed impressive biceps, a tattoo disappearing under the tightr sleeve of his t-shirt, followed by broad shoulders and a thick neck. Yup, time to let go of his hand as her blush intensified. She was a sucker for arms. (Don't worry, Lucy. Author is, too.)

     Luckily, just then, Mr. Yajima came back with her order, handing her a large pizza box and a few smaller containers. She quickly thanked him and paid for her food before turning back to the males.

     "Well, it was really nice meeting all of you, though I'm sorry I can't hang around and chat more. I guess I'll probably see you guys around! Bye!" she said with a nervous giggle. She waved before turning and walking out the door.

     Natsu himself was stunned when she came in close contact with him to shake his hand. Her scent was intoxicating. He'd never smelled anything so good in his life. Maybe it was the pizza. He definitely smelled a Meat-Trio in the box Mr. Yajima gave her. No. He's pretty sure a Meat-Trio isn't supposed to have hints of honey. Maybe cinnamon? And definitely vanilla. He watched her walk to the door and glance back at them. Lucy noticed them still staring and smiled. When she locked gazes with Natsu, her smile turned shy and a blush tinted her cheek bones. She gave him a little wave before leaving for good.

"She's new." Jellal observed."She's cool." Gray commented."She's mine." Natsu declared. Loke dropped to his knees and cried pitifully.

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