Chapter nine

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The front door opened making me and Athene quickly dress. "I'm hooooooome." I heard Nyx's sweet voice call out and I left the room.

"Sup." Stephen said while sitting on the couch. Nyx waved her hand and stood in front of me with a huge grin on her face. I picked her up and spun her around. "Why is my principessa so smiley huh?" I said while laying her on the couch and tickling her. She patted my shoulder while laughing "Okay okay!"

I let her go and she catches her breath and moved next to Stephen. "So mean." She said jokingly while shaking her head making Stephen laugh.

I rolled my eyes and walked back to the room. Athene sat on the bed with her legs crossed and on the phone. "Donna. Calm. The fuck. Down." I look at her with confusion and she smiles, putting a finger up.

"Donna! Oh my goodness Don-" I cut her off by placing soft kisses on her neck. I swiftly pick her up and she hangs up the phone. I grabbed towels and walked to her bathroom.

I turned on the water and walked in with her still in my arms. "Dante!" She yelled hitting my shoulder. I set her down and laughed at her reaction. "Asshole." She muttered.

I smirked and looked her up and down taking in every inch of her perfect alluring body. If it ever came to it I would burn the world to see her curves again. I run my finger along her shoulder and to her chin turning her gaze back to me. "Oh really?"

She brought her hands up to my shirt and started unbuttoning it. "Yes."

"Don't -" I was cut off by her giggling while looking down. "Wow, I must be a very pretty girl." she says, smirking.

I grab her chin to make her look into my eyes.
"Painfully, very much so. A very beautiful woman that's about to get fucked in her shower." I squeeze her ass and pull her up, making her wrap her tan legs around my torso.

I put her back on the wall, the water slid down my body in between mine and hers. I slid a hand behind her neck, pulling her towards me. I smash my lips to hers. She gripped the back of my neck and moans into my mouth as I shove into her pussy compulsively.

Her head falls back giving me access to her neck. I start kissing, sucking, and biting all over her as she lets small sounds escape her addicting mouth. I go back to her soft plump lips.

I remove one hand from under her and put it on the side of her neck while kissing her with force. I pull my hand down back to her ass and start thrusting harder.

She put her head down biting my shoulder. Probably remembered that Nyx and Stephan were right down the hall. I start going faster as I feel her tighten around my dick. I put my head back trying not to make noise as well. I can feel her hair on my shoulder and her arms around my neck, her hands tangled in my hair. She bites harder on my shoulder as she releases, and I release shortly after.

I stand there a few more moments as she tries to catch her breath. "My perfect queen."

I wash her body feeling her soft skin on my hands is some type of different feeling. I step out and place her in the toilet then dry us with the towels.

I hear a knock on the bathroom door Marco grins at me while handing me clothes. I roll my eyes and shut the door. Athene walked out the door and rushed to the room not wanting them to see her as I walked behind her. I put on a black long sleeve button-up shirt with black pants. She put on a tan shirt, washed-out high-waisted jeans, a light tan cardigan, and a gold chain.

We walked to the living room and Nyx immediately went to Athene. "Heyyy mommy," Nyx says, dragging out the Y in hey. "Heyyy baby" Athene copied her dragging out the Y. Nyx jumped on Athene hugging her. "Movie!" says Nyx excitedly as Stephan and Damian stand up.

Damian shot me a look and I raised my brow. "We have some things we need to take care of so we gotta go. I think you should come too, Dante." Stephan said and I got the hint.

Fucking mafia.

I kissed Athene and hugged Nyx then walked out.


As soon as the door closes I hear Nyx whisper "Mommy and Dante sitting on a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G" I roll my eyes at her little chant and groan.

"We have to start packing." I said as I slumped on the couch but quickly shot up as the door slammed open.

"Who in the hell were those guys, Athene." Donna yelled, smirking.

I didn't say anything before Nyx started chanting again. "Mommy and Dante sitting on a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G"

I rolled my eyes and handed Donna a box that was leaning on the wall. "Ready?" They nod their head and jokingly stand at attention.

"Nyx pack the clothes. Gonna starts with the glass." I said and they spread out. We have about four more days and I get my house and an actual home for Nyx. Not this shitty apartment.

I walked to my room and put the little decorations in a huge box.

"Athene!" Donna yelled and I walked to the kitchen where she was looking at something.


"Am I crazy or is this a fucking camera." she said, showing me what she was looking at. My mouth dropped and I grabbed the camera and dropped it to the floor stepping on it.

"Please tell me this isn't that bastard again." She said looking worried and I nodded my head. I haven't shown her the messages yet, I didn't think it was a big deal. That camera means he's been in here.

1028 words

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