Chapter five

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This morning I woke up to yelling. . . not like horror. . . Like arguing coming from the mouths of idiots!

"Your gay,"  Stephano says to Katrina

"Mm really cause you to seem to be spending a lot of time with Damian," She says crossing her arms and raising her eyebrow.

"We are friends. We've known each other for years. It's like you and Stephen. Are you guys together?"

"Thought I was gay?"


"So one of you is gay?"She says looking in between Stephano and Damian who's observing Stephano.  Stephan is almost on the floor laughing and getting eye rolls from everyone in the house.

"Oh mio Dio (Italian: oh my goodness)," says Damian shaking his head and now scrolling through his phone.

"Shut up Stephen you get no bitches" says a very offensive and annoyed Stephano.
He stops laughing and the room gets quiet. Then boom! Katrina and the twins start arguing.

Out of nowhere, Damian screams "Dantes cinderella"

"Damian, did you take my sweater again?" Marco said, slapping the back of Damian's head.

Two minutes later everyone's arguing and I for one am annoyed and done with their bullshit. It is too early in the morning for this.

"Stephano, Katrina, and Damian all three of you are gay. Marco we're rich buy another one, buy two buy the store. Stephan, Damian stop being such cagne
(Italian: Bitches)" they all shut up and sit down to eat breakfast.  I nod at Stephan and walk away to my office.

I don't shut the door and sit in my seat. I look at the papers in front of me until I hear the door shut. "I need you to find everything you can on Athene Night" He nods his head.

"I can't go to the cafe by the way."

"Have plans with a friend ?" I say smirking at him he rolls his eyes dramatically and walks away.


Wonderful, the cafe is packed. It's only nine and the stupid cafe is packed. We usually get people in seats after twelve, before that it's only drinking orders. To make things even more wonderful I can't use two booths. Absolutely fucking wonderful.

I put on a smile and walk up to a booth. "Hello, my name is Athene I'll be your waitress tod-"

"Sweety I don't need to know your whole life story for you to do your job. Can I get a coffee to go." Really. For real. Is he serious?

"Sir we have a waiting area for to-go orders over there," I say pointing to my left. "Usually it wouldn't matter but we are packed today"

He rolls his eyes and ignores me. I walk away and go to the back. "Wanna switch?" Brenda, the cashier, asked. She is young about seventeen, really tall.  "Yeah" I answer "table four" she nods and makes her way to the rude old man.


"You can take a seat here." I say smiling at a couple.

"I wanna sit there." the young girl said pointing at one of the booths that we can't use.

"Sorry, those booths are reserved." she doesn't listen and walks to it anyways. I take a deep breath, this job is gonna end up making me a serial killer. Like that guy, Dante.

"You can't sit there."

"We can sit wherever we fucking want. It's a free country." the older man said. Oh my lord, people these days.

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