car keys

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Sapnap isn't hiding anything behind his back... nothing at all.

Sapnap knows he shouldn't have taken them. Dream's stupid car keys.

It was a silly heat-of-the-moment thing – they were just right there on the kitchen island and when he saw them he couldn't help but worry that Dream was planning to drive away and leave him.

To make it worse, the blond immediately noticed their disappearance which gave Sapnap no time to hide them like he planned before Dream asked him to give them back. How Dream knew that he had taken them is beyond him, maybe he wasn't as sneaky as he thought...

This is how they ended up in their current standoff in the hallway, Sapnap with his hands tucked behind his back, a frown set on his face, and Dream gently trying to coax him. It's not going very well.

"Pandas, I can clearly see that you have them," Dream repeats, slightly exasperated.

"I don' have anythin'!" Sapnap takes a step back, still clutching tightly onto the thing he totally doesn't have in his hands.

Dream leans over to try and see behind him but Sapnap just mirrors his movement. There is nothing for him to see!

The deadpan look he gets from Dream afterward makes annoyance curl in his stomach. So what if he took those dumb keys, now he definitely doesn't want to give them back. Ever.

Dream sighs and takes a step toward him, his hand held out expectantly. "Alright, last chance baby– give me my car keys back," he says, somewhat sternly but still in that kind, patient Dream voice that Sapnap both loves and hates.

Right now he sort of hates it.

"What keys?" He retorts, not sounding quite as sure as before.

Dream raises an eyebrow, his hand still outstretched and waiting. "You have five seconds, Pandas. Five..."

The second he starts counting, Sapnap starts feeling antsy. His eyes dart to the side to try to look for a way out of this, but Dream has him cornered.

"Four..." Sapnap frowns, although that does nothing to stop Dream from continuing on to the next number. "Three–"

He can't take this anymore.

"Okay– here! You can stop countin' now p'ease," Sapnap gives in hurriedly, dropping the jangling set of metal keys into Dream's hand. His eyes are welling with tears at this point, and Sapnap just wants to get away from the situation. Today wasn't supposed to be like this.

"Thank you, honey. That wasn't so hard, was it?" Dream says softly.

Sapnap just crosses his arms and begins walking off, but a gentle hand on his shoulder stops him.

"Pandas, hey. Don't walk away if you're feeling bad, baby. Why're you so upset over this, huh?"

Dream's voice is so soft and kind, and Sapnap can only shake his head slowly as a couple of tears trail down his cheek.

"Aw baby, c'mere my love."

His face meets a warm sweater-clad chest as Dream wraps him in a hug, big palms rubbing his back in comforting circles.

"You're okay, bubba. Everything's alright."

They stand like that for a few moments, Sapnap's sniffles slowly getting evened out by Dream's expert soothing abilities. He pulls back slightly to wipe at his eyes with his sleeves.

Green eyes instantly lock with his own, Dream giving him a small smile. "Was there a particular reason why you took the keys, buddy? Or were you just frustrated maybe?"

Sapnap looks down at Dream's chest, cheeks warming with embarrassment. He totally overreacted earlier. "Jus' frust'ated," he admits.

"Yeah?" Dream gives his waist a squeeze, encouraging him to keep talking.

Sapnap starts to fidget with the knitted material of his friend's sweater. "I din' wan' you to drive off widout me..."

A soft sigh leaves Dream's lips. "I wasn't gonna do that, buddy. I'm not planning on driving anywhere today at all." He brushes a stray strand of hair from his baby's face. "And if I was, you'd be more than welcome to join me."

Sapnap glances up at him, seeing Dream's ever-loving expression, before burying his face in the blond's chest again, snuggling close.

Dream chuckles quietly at his bashfulness but doesn't hesitate to hold him close. "We'll go on a nice drive together soon, yeah?" He promises. "Would you like that?"

Sapnap nods his head. He would really like that.

"'M tired," he mumbles, followed directly by a big yawn.

"Is it time for a little nap?" Dream says gently, pulling back to look at him.

Sapnap meets his gaze. "Only if you also nap," he bargains.

"I'm down for that," Dream smiles. "We can nap together then. How does that sound?"

"Sound really good," Sapnap smiles too.

He shuts his eyes as a kiss gets pressed to the very top of his head.

Dream gives his hand a light squeeze. "Alright, let's go."

789 words

hello 👋🏻


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