always welcome

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Dream's bed always has room for one more:)

The time has just passed midnight and Sapnap is still not asleep. It's not that he's not tired – he definitely is – he just can't seem to get comfortable enough in his bed to be able to drift off.

He slipped pretty small about an hour ago when he was first starting to get frustrated about not being able to relax, but his headspace hasn't helped with the matter much. If anything, he just feels more annoyed now, more clingy.

In a moment where tears threaten to spill from everything, Sapnap throws the covers off of himself and gets out of his room, sick and tired of the place.

He sniffles and gives his eyes a good few blinks before toddling socked feet down the hall to Dream's room, where a faint sliver of light shines through the bottom of the closed door. He must still be awake, thankfully.

Dream is very good at helping him get to sleep when it's difficult. Even just being in his bed can be enough to put him out like a light. He hopes that might work today.

Slowly, he turns the metal doorknob and pushes the door open just enough for him to peek through.

Dream is sitting in bed with his laptop in his lap, and Sapnap is about to walk right in before he realizes that there is someone else in the bed too. Specifically, George, sleeping soundly on his stomach with one of Dream's hands rubbing his back.

What is he doing here?

Sapnap opens the door a little more to get a better look, which seems to make Dream notice his presence.

He tilts his head to the side with a gentle smile. "Hey, Pandas," he greets, hushed so as to not wake George.

Sapnap doesn't say anything at first, just stands half behind the door picking at his sleeves and avoiding eye contact.

"Hi," he whispers back once he has mustered up the courage, glancing up to meet green eyes.

"It's pretty late for you to still be awake, honey," Dream continues softly, closing his laptop and setting it aside.

He's right and Sapnap knows it, fidgeting with his fingers. "Mhm."

"Did you...maybe want to sleep in here tonight?" Dream asks, trying to understand what the boy is thinking.

Sapnap is glad Dream can practically read minds, and he nods. "I jus' din' know George was hewe," he mumbles, pointing a sweater paw toward the other occupied side of the bed.

"Well that's okay, baby, you can still sleep in here," Dream reassures him gently, standing up from the bed. His movement (and pause in backrubs) makes George stir, but he doesn't wake up.

Dream approaches him and holds out a hand for him to take. "You want that? Sleep in between me and Gogy?" He invites further.

Sapnap can't help but smile at that. Gogy just sounds so funny.

He nods shyly and lets Dream's hand warm his own, "Yes p'ease."

Dream smiles and walks them back over to the spacious mattress which he then helps Sapnap clamber onto.

"There we go," he says once Sapnap is in place, right beside sleepy George, "you get the golden spot right in the middle."

That is when the brunet finally sits up, half awake and clearly confused as he shoots Dream a questioning look. Sapnap has to seal his lips tight not to giggle at George's drowsiness. You would think he has woken up from a year-long nap or something.

"Baby's joining us," Dream says quietly, smiling fondly at him. Sapnap might think George looks a bit funny like this, Dream would probably rather use the word cute.

"Oh," George hums as he catches onto what's going on, laying back down and accepting the little into his arms gently. Sapnap snuggles up to his chest instantly, letting out a content sigh.

"Hi Sappy," he hears George mumble above him, before feeling a little kiss on the top of his head.

Dream gets comfy on his own side of the bed, cuddling up to Sapnap so he has a friend on each side, casing him in and keeping him nice and warm.

"You're always welcome to sleep here, Pandas. Whenever you want," Dream tells him.

"Okay," Sapnap whispers in response, drifting off moments later with Dream's promise in mind. He's always welcome, even when George is here too for whatever reason. Maybe he couldn't sleep either.

And once Sapnap is asleep, the others are quick to follow suit; George with his arms around Sapnap, and Dream with his arms around them both. The three of them fit together like pieces in a puzzle, perfectly snug for a good night's sleep.

780 words


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