to those who wait

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for Redghosty08 :)

Sapnap's patience gets stretched a little further than he can take during the wait for movie night.

From his stool by the kitchen island, Sapnap watches Dream rinse crumbs off his plate in the sink and set it aside to dry. They had grilled cheeses for lunch, per little Sap's request.

"Alright," Dream says, stretching his arms above his head. And Sapnap knows what he's about to say — the thing he has been dreading all day.

"Meeting starts in a few minutes, and knowing him, George is probably waiting for me in my office already," he says with a chuckle, meeting Sapnap's gaze. "Are you gonna be good on your own, Pandas?" He tilts his head to the side when he says the last part.

Sapnap slides off his seat and shuffles toward the blond wordlessly, burying his face in his broad chest. Dream holds him close and kisses his head, rocking them slightly.

"What do you think, buddy?" He asks again, voice soft.

Obviously, Sapnap doesn't want Dream nor George to have that meeting, but he knows it's an important one. He also knows that he will get to spend lots of time with them afterward; they have promised him that.

"We doin' movie night later, right?" He mumbles, checking that Dream hasn't forgotten or anything.

"Of course we are, panda bear." Dream gives him a little squeeze.

Sapnap looks up at him with cloudy eyes. "When?"

Dream numbs their foreheads together lightly, making Sapnap giggle. "As soon as Georgie and I finish our meeting," he says, smiling.

"'Kay... but don' take too long p'ease."

Dream nods, leaning back a bit. "We'll be an hour tops," he promises. "Think you can be patient until then?"

Sapnap gives him a big nod. "I can, I p'omise." He can be so patient.

"Good boy, I know you can," Dream says, before patting his back and heading towards the stairs, leaving Sapnap in the kitchen to wait.


The next sixty minutes pass slowly for Sapnap.

It starts off okay, though. He fills a plastic cup with water from the fridge, very carefully of course, and makes his way to the living room with his drink. But the problem is that he can't find anything fun to do, something to pass the time until his friends come down for movie night.

He manages to turn on the TV, but none of the channels spark his interest, and to his frustration, he doesn't know how to switch to Disney.

Next, he goes to find Patches, who usually likes to hang out in the living room, but she is nowhere to be found.

Not on the sofa, not under it, not on a chair — nowhere. If he was frustrated before, this only makes it worse.

Now, little Sapnap is really not one to make a fuss. He's usually quiet and sweet, and happy to just exist and wonder at everyday things. And he always listens to what his caregivers say, so when Dream tells him to be patient, he tries his very, very best to be exactly that.

Just like Dream promised that the meeting would last no longer than an hour, Sapnap promised that he could be patient and wait for them to be done.

All of that being said, there is only so long that he can spend sitting on the floor by the couch, drinking his water and picking at the carpet fibers in silence.

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