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Dream accidentally uses a harsher tone than he means to, but all is resolved in the end :)

Sapnap races up the stairs to Dream's room with a bubbly smile on his lips. There is something he just has to show him, something down in the living room.

He slides to a stop in the doorway to his office, slightly out of breath. The blond is at his desk working on something, his headset slipped off one ear.

"Dream, you have to come downstairs P—"

But before he gets a chance to finish, Dream interrupts him without looking up. "Not right now, Sap. I'll be down later when I'm done editing."

Sapnap's smile falters, his eyebrows furrowing. "But—"

"Later, Sap, seriously." Dream's voice is stern. Impatient, like he just wants Sapnap to stop bothering him.

His throat tightens at the thought, fingers twisting anxiously in the fabric of his shirt; he didn't mean to be annoying, he was just so excited to tell him something.

"Can you just fuck off so I can finish this, please? The sooner the better," Dream says with a slight chuckle, still focused on his monitors.

Deep down, Sapnap knows it's lighthearted, just a joking way to ask him to leave so he can concentrate, but the words still hurt.

Sapnap's lip wobbles and his eyes start to sting with forming tears. "But papa," he mumbles weakly.

Dream whips around to face him in an instant, his face softening completely once he sees the state of him. "Oh, honey..."

In one swift movement, he pushes himself out of his chair and walks over to the door. Sapnap sinks into his arms as soon as they're around him, one behind his back and one supporting his head.

Dream holds him securely, like he'll disappear if he doesn't, swaying them softly.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I didn't know you were little," he says softly into his hair, sounding truly sorry. "I didn't mean those mean words I said, not one bit."

Sapnap sniffles and wipes his face on Dream's shirt. "Jus' wan'ed to show you somethin'..."

"You wanted to show me something?" Dream asks, receiving a nod against his chest.

"Somethin' downstairs," Sapnap explains.

"Aw baby." Dream squeezes him. "Well, I would love to see it if you still want me to."

Sapnap is quick to nod again, he does really want to show him still. He is not one to hold a grudge, at least not when he's little.

He feels a kiss on the top of his head. "Alright, you lead the way, bubba."


Downstairs in the softly lit living room, Sapnap excitedly pulls Dream  over to the thing he wants him to see.

It's Patches, curled up and asleep at the very top of the new, fancy cat tree they bought for her a few days ago. She hasn't done anything but sniff it up until now, so Sapnap was overjoyed when he spotted her on it earlier.

"Patchie," he points to her and looks over at Dream expectantly.

"Huh," Dream hums. "Well would you look at that," he says quietly, seemingly a little baffled at the sight. His hand reaches up and strokes the top of her head, earning a small chirp in greeting.

"In her bed," Sapnap says, feeling proud where he stands. Dream wouldn't know about it if he hadn't shown him.

Dream turns to him with a gentle smile. "Yeah, she finally caught on, didn't she." Then he turns back to Patches. "This is your place, baby," he tells her, getting no response, of course.

Sapnap giggles and leans into Dream's side, which soon turns into a proper hug.

Dream lays his cheek on top of his head which is at a perfect resting height for him. "Thank you for showing me this, Pandas. Makes me very happy to see that she's starting to use it."

Sapnap feels a rush of pride, snuggling further into his friend's arms. "You're welcome," he mumbles, the little smile he's hiding evident in his voice.

654 words

patches my darling baby angel 💞


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