Freaks Together

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"This doesn't make any sense! I'm never gonna pass the exam next week!" a young blonde haired boy groaned, slamming his head against the table in frustration. In front of him laid a large book along with multiple stacks of paper surrounding it. 

"Have you tried chapter 7?" his study partner asked. "I think it covers thievery on that section of the book better than the rest."

The boy tapped his chin thoughtfully. "No, I haven't checked there yet. Here, lemme see if I can find it...."

His partner closed her book, pushing it aside. "Your gonna pass this time. Just focus."

"Thanks Nyx."

The large doors to the library swung open with a thundering noise. A man with a neatly kept hair and formal attire entered, eyeing the other students studying. "The school is closing for the night young villains! The term evil doesn't rest is a myth! So pack your things and get to your dorms!"

The blonde boy sighed, closing his large book. His study buddy followed in suit, putting her books back on a nearby shelf while keeping some in her bag. She sighed, her tail twitching anxiously. 

"Hey, Lloyd?"


"How do you think the headmaster will have me take the test? You think he'll have an alternative for me?"

"I don't know, but he should since you can't read anything on paper except braille." Lloyd hoisted up his backpack with a small grunt. 

Nyx smiled gently. "Yeah, I guess so." 

The two left the library for closing hour, heading into the halls. Lloyd had been studying with Nyx ever since she arrived at Darkley's school for bad Boys. Nyx, being a girl and a mutant, was an acception as the school began to slowly allow girls into their esteemed academy. The only thing left was the Headmaster being a bit overdue on renaming the school. 

A rushed patter of footsteps filled the empty spaces of the halls as everyone returned back to their rooms. Boys and Girls dorms were separate, but Lloyd prefered to walk with Nyx until her got there. It gave him a sense of reassurance as he enjoyed her company. 

"Oops!!" a leg extended in front of Lloyd, causing him to trip. "Sorry bout' that! We should know better when in the pressence of the son of the Dark Lord!" Corrupted laughter filled the building, students eyeing the poor boy picking himself back up. 

"Are you ok Lloyd?" Nyx whispered to him. A girl snickered from behind her. 

"Awww look! The freak circus animal wants to help Loser Lloyd!"

"HA! They're Freak Friends!" 

Despite barely seeing their disgusting faces, Nyx swiveled her ears to their voices. Her head turned to her shoulder. "Leave him alone."

"Oh? Or what, kid?" An older student asked, walking up to her blind face. He towered over her, eyeing the blindfold over her eyes. His fingers grazing over it. "Why don't you look at me and say it to my face?!"

Something snapped inside the dark cheetah. An instinct that took over like a surging wave of energy. The windows shattered around her, but the glass remained in midair. Each shard poised at the older student in front of her as he cowered in sheer terror. 

A smirk curled on her lips as the glass edged closer to him. "Be a bit wiser next time before you make a move."  

The student fled into the halls, not daring to turn back to steal a glance at the cheetah. The other student stared at her starstrucked, but not for long until she gave them a threatening hiss. Once the place cleared, the glass fused itself back into the window, leaving a few pieces floating around Nyx. Some shards reflecting Lloyd's face.

"Thanks," he breathed out with relief, and she nodded in response. 

The two continued their way back to their dorms, but Lloyd stopped midway tugging Nyx's sleeve. "How did you do that?"

"It's a gift I had since I lost my sight," she said. 

"Were your parents Elemental Masters?"

"I don't know, I was really young until I lost them."

"Oh," Lloyd retreated back a bit, feeling as if he poked his nose where it shouldn't have been. The dark gray cheetah patted his back with her black spotted hand. She smiled at him warmly, as if to tell him not to worry about it. 

"I've got you and, well, I think that's like family enough to me."

Lloyd grinned, hugging her tightly. "Thanks Nyx!"

She yelped a bit, the air knocking out of her. "Your......welcome. Just.....your crushing me.."

"Oh! Sorry!" He let go of her, and the two exploded in laughter. 

Nyx's glass reflected the staircase, winding up to the girl's doms. She began to walk up to her designated room. "I should probably get going, but I'll see you tomorrow! Future dark ruler!"

The boy chuckled, and winked. "Yeah! See ya glass sorceress!"

The cheetah waved goodbye before opening the door into her room. The glass still hanging in the air. Shards floating to every aspect of the room in order for Nyx to get a good sense of her surroundings. 

It wasn't the best of places in Ninjago being at this school, but, she was happy to have someone like Lloyd in her life. In a way, he resembled a younger brother to her. She was a bit older than him, and her 16th birthday was just around the corner. Of course, no one really celebrated such miniscule things like that here, but Lloyd did. And he never let Nyx forget her birthday. So she returned him the favor and did the same for him. Each presenting a small yet meaningful presents and tiny treats for the other when the day of their birth came around. 

But, in all honesty, life could be more exciting than it currently was. Nyx dreamed of having a life filled with freedom and adventure like the ones she read in the braille books at the library. Stories of ordinary people traveling to distant lands and going on daring quests. 

But that was only in books.....this was her life

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