02 - A New Uzu

Mulai dari awal


She quickly ran over to her friends room to see what was going on.

When she entered, all she saw was a soldier and an open window. 

"Lady Uzu!" the soldier yelled out the window.

"You!" Mai yelled in a commanding tone, the soldier quickly stiffening. "Take me to Uzu's home immeadiately!" She ordered.

"Ah! Right away!" the soldier responded.

Mai quickly ran with the soldier, very worried in the inside about the fate of Uzu.

When Mai had arrived in the pouring rain, her eyes widened when she saw the scene before her.

Uzu was there, on the floor motionless infront of a burnt down house in the rain.

Mai would never admit it, but she immeadiatly ran to Uzu in a panic to see if she was still alive.

"Uzu! Uzu! Uzu! Are you okay?!" Mai asked in a panic.

"Milady! It's dangerous to ru-"

"Shut up!" Mai ordered.

Mai had never sounded so angry in her life, so the messenger immeadiately obeyed.

"Bring Uzu back to the palace and have my nurse take care of her." Mai said in a grave tone.


As Mai was thinking about this, she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in," as Mai said this, Esh walked into the room.

"Lady Mai, I've come here to inform you that Lady Uzu has made a complete recovery." Esh stated.

"Great." Mai said dryly, hiding the immense amount of relieft she felt on the inside.

"Although there does seem to be a slight issue." Esh added, causing Mai to furrow her brow.

Esh hesitated.

"Well? Spit it out." Mai ordered impatiently.

"It appears that in response to the shock of seeing her home destroyed, Lady Uzu's hair has turned white." Esh relayed, causing Mai's eyebrows to furrow further.

"So she looks like an old lady now?" Mai asked.

"Er, no milady. Unlike old people, Lady Uzu's hair is completely white with no hint of grey in it, it is quite easy to tell the difference." Esh explained.

"How does Uzu feel about this?" Mai asked, suprising Esh, since Mai rarely showed this much concern for other people.

"Strangely, she actually seems rather pleased with this development, she described her hair as 'flashy' and 'cool'." Esh said.

"Wait, that sounds nothing like Uzu at all," Mai stated. 

"I haven't met Lady Uzu before, so I cannot say if her behaviour is strange, but she seems very lively right now." Esh explained, causing Mai to have a confused look.

Lively? That is the last word I would describe Uzu as.

"Take me to her." Mai ordered.

Esh however, didn't respond with affirmation. "Please wait Lady Mai, Milady is still in a medical gown, unfit for visitors. Please let me burrow some clothing to make her presentable." Esh pleaded.

Reluctently, Mai agreed with Esh. "Alright, make it quick." Mai said sternly.

"It shall be done." Esh replied, walking out of the room.

As the door shut Mai started complaining to herself, leaning her cheek to her hand in boredom.

"Ugh, waiting is soooo boring." 

Right after saying that however, Mai heard another knock on her door. 'That was fast'  Mai thought to herself.

"Come in," Mai said, expecting Esh to walk into the room. But contrary to what she thought, It was actually Tylee who knocked on the door, running into the room immeadiately to hug Mai.

"Oof! Get off me Tylee." Mai demanded.

"Hi Mai! Howsit goi-, hey that rhymes! How have you been doing today?!" Tylee asked, not letting go.

"Terrible" Mai said dryly, not wanting Tylee, or Azula to find out what happened to Uzu.

"Can you let go now?" Mai said with a furrowed brow.

"Okay!" Tylee responded, finally letting go of Mai.

"Have you seen Uzu anywhere? I didn't see her in her room when I checked." Tylee asked, much to Mai's chagrin.

"She's fine Tylee, now go away." Mai said. But Tylee just responded with another question.

"Fine? Did something happen to Uzu?" Tylee asked much to Mai's annoyance. Mai often forgot how sharp Tylee could get when dealing with other people.

Deciding that lying would get her nowhere, Mai decided to simply tell Tylee what happened.

"She collapsed right outside her house in the rain. It got burned down along with her family." Mai said, hiding the sadness she felt.

Tylee gasped, "Oh no! I must go to Uzu immeadiately!" Tylee exclaimed, rushing out the door.

Mai sighed at Tylee's antics, sighing again when Tylee returned 5 seconds later.

"Umm, where is Uzu again?" Tylee asked sheepishly.

"She's in a medical room, a nurse is going to come here in a few minutes to take us there. Wait here with me." Mai stated.

"Okay!" Tylee agreed, then suddenly perking up when she realized something.

"Wait a minute, you ordered a nurse to take you to Uzu? Are you going to check on her?" Tylee inquired.

"Yes you idiot, why else would I go?" Mai asked in exhasperation.

"Awww, you care about Uzu! Who knew that behind that constant frown you wanna help people." Tylee stated with a smile.

"Shut up." Mai said in embarassment. 


Hope ya enjoyed this radtastic chapter!

A Flamboyant Firebender (OC Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang