Y/N's in tears at this point covering her face to hide it from Iwaizumi. Iwa completely discards his blunt and comes over to sit next to Y/N.

He hesitates but he puts an arm around her lower back and tangles his fingers in her soft locs.

Y/N melts into Iwaizumi's touch, wrapping her arms back around him.

Iwaizumi sits in silence trying to give Y/N a safe space. He's just happy that she opened up to him.

Y/N out of no where pulls away from Iwaizumi and scoots away from from him.

"I'm sorry...."

"Don't apologize...thank you for opening up to me." he says giving her a small smile.

Y/N glances at him and then looks down at her fingers.

"So what's up with you...?" Y/N asks trying to lead the conversation to a different topic.

"Nothing crazy. Just my mom per usual."

"It seems like she's getting worse..."

"I can manage. I'll be graduating soon so I won't have to worry about her for long." he says getting up to go back inside.

"Let's go in its cold." he says shoving his hands in his pockets.

Y/N stands up following at a sort of distance from Iwaizumi. They walk until they're in front of Y/N's door and Y/N's mouth moves quicker than her brain.

"Do you wanna sleep in here?"


"I'm sorry. I meant like....I know you used to have a hard time sleeping and we would...you know what,
Just forget I said anything."

"I forgot you know literally everylittle detail about me." he says giving Y/N a teasing smile.

"I mean yeah we were-"

"What the fuck are you two doing?" Mattsun says walking out his bedroom with Makki clinging onto him.

"We're just talking...when the fuck did Makki get here?" Iwaizumi asks

"I snuck out of my grandmas house. My cousin is covering for me and she probably won't even realize because she's blind." Makki mumbles

"Uh okay then." Y/N says turning to walk into her room.

"Goodnight." Iwaizumi says to Y/N

"You're not gonna come in?" she says earning a shocked look from both Makki and Mattsun.

"Uh- no i'll be fine. Thank you though."

"Mmhm." Y/N says nodding and then closing the door.

"When did you two get back on such a friendly basis?" Mattsun asks

"I don't know...I guess we just clicked." he says slightly smiling to himself.

"You two definitely still have feelings for each other." Makki says a little quieter

Mattsun nods in agreement and Iwaizumi just shrugs.

"Either way it doesn't matter. We can't and won't ever get back together. She would never be down with that."

"So you'd get back with her?"

Iwaizumi nods incase she's eavesdropping in on their conversation. He isn't that naïve.

"I'm gonna try to sleep." Iwaizumi says walking to his door.

They wave to each other and Iwaizumi walks in and shuts the door behind him. He walks straight to the bed and he bary's himself in the thick blankets. In no time he's out like a light despite struggling to fall asleep earlier.


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