3 : || Will She Understand ? ||

Start from the beginning

"Yeh sab kya ho raha hai, bhrata ?" Nakul asked or more like to himself, gazing at his newly married wife and her friend. His words carried emotions that he himself couldn't decipher.

(What is happening brother ?)

Hurt ? Maybe yes.

Jealousy ? Because his wife going with another man on their wedding night. No, that's obviously not.

Nevertheless his brothers were also standing on the same position as his, the reason they couldn't answer Nakul.

"Panchali, where are we even going ? You are supposed spend the night in your room. " Aryan was greeted by a sharp glare from his ex- best friend.

"I don't intend to spend the night with five men, fucking them around." Panchali snapped at him. Even mention of her so called husbands gives a feeling of disgust to her.

Aryan just shooked his head at her. He then had that urge to look behind and when he did, he again felt something... Maybe guilt ?

There stood the five princes on the seventh floor, on the open balcony of Panchali's room, staring at him and her.

His gaze turned towards the woman beside him who rode the horse, unknown to the fact that her husbands were watching them intently.

For a few seconds, his eyes shifted between his ex- best friend and her husbands. I hope they don't think the otherwise situation.

"Kaha gaye honge wo dono, jyest ? Iss aadhi raat mein aur itne tufaan mein ?" Sahdev asked, gazing ahead as the soldiers opened the main door for the royals. And just like that they couldn't see the retreating figure also due to heavy rainfall.

(Where can they go, eldest ? In this midnight and the storm ?)

"Are you by any chance suspecting them, Sahdev ?" Yudhisthir asked cautiously, turning his gaze towards his youngest brother.

Sahdev immediately shaked his head in denial, startled by the sudden unexpected question, "No bhrata, never. I am so not thinking like that. It's just that I am worried that they went somewhere in this weather. It is risky to go out in this thunderstorm."

Yudhisthir smiled a little. He was clear in his position and he knew none of his brothers thought any otherwise situation.

Society always tend to degrade a woman, be it married or unmarried if she goes out with any man in the middle of the night.

"Let's go inside. They are grown up and they will come when they want." Arjun said, walking inside the room.

And their eyes fell on her orni lying on the floor, that she harshly pulled away from her body.

With slow steps, Nakul went and picked it up, asking a question more to himself, "Will she ever understand us ?"

And just like that, they again remembered everything that happened few minutes ago. Her pretends, her outburst, her accusations, her wrong actions, her threats.

Riding on a chariot for about 35-40 minutes, they reached the shore of River Ganges.

"What are we doing here ?" Aryan asked when he saw Panchali pulling the reins of the horses to stop.

Without any words and just a look at his eyes, she got down the chariot and started moving towards the roaring river.

The heavy rainfall and the strong wind while the huge waves of Ganga made Aryan scare as he saw her walking towards the river.

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