"Hello?" Payton answered.

"Hi Pay" Angel spoke, "Are you okay with being home alone for another while? I'm gonna talk to this guy about stuff"

"Yeah that's fine Angel, take all the time you need. I'm watching a movie anyways"

"Okay just don't open the door or go outside"

"Yes i know"

After a little they hung up and i pulled into my driveway. There was already cars in the property but those are my neighbors.

"Don't yell at me cause the neighbors could hear" I stated jokingly but she looked at me with wide eyes.

"Really?" I nodded.

"No i'm kidding, come on" We got off the car after i parked and i led her inside the apartment. "Hera" I called for the cat who was slowly walking through the living room towards Angel.

"Aw my baby" Angel lowered herself to receive Hera and to baby her. "I missed you my little pretty baby" She picked her up off the floor and stood up straight.

"She misses you" I admit to Angel, "She likes going in the closet and getting the clothes you left"

"I'll take her home with me don't worry"

"No" I argued but she smiled. "What about Sonny"

"He loves cats. When i got him the people told me he loves going with cats and laying with them, when i first saw him he was with a cat." That's actually cute, he'd for sure love Hera.

"We should bring them together" I offered

"I'll take Hare bear to him" I smiled but shook my head. "Stop being mean, she would've been in that house if it weren't for you"

I playfully rolled my eyes


We've been in my apartment for fifteen minutes. I've given her a tour and we talked a little about her dog. But now that we've settled in and she's sitting on the couch comfortably it's time for the actual reason she's here.

"Did you read the note i put in your bag at the hotel?" I broke the silence.

"I haven't" She admit quietly, "I've been avoiding it, i don't wanna read it"


"I don't wanna know why"

"You have to wanna know" Her eyebrows raised in confusion, "I need you to forgive me Ang"

"Vin I really want to but i don't wanna know why you did it. I don't want the reason behind our relationship" She spoke in a quiet voice. "I know i need it but i don't think i'll be okay hearing it or reading it"

I was sitting on the coffee table in front of her so it was easy for me to scoot forward and be closer to her.

"Can i speak and you just stay quiet? You can obviously cut in at any point and i'll stop talking if it's too much" She hesitantly nodded. "I already explained the beginning in Seattle so i'm not saying that again since i know you didn't like hearing it"


"Um so yeah I think Jack walked in when i was saying what her brother told me." She nodded, "That she'd get with me if i helped her mom succeed in her business"

She wasn't looking at me before but she looked at me now.

"She was the second best realtor in the west coast, first was obviously your mom so she wanted to be the best. She knew your mom got to travel and work for celebrities, she wanted the same."

"What do they have to do with you?" She asked.

"She wanted your moms clients." I admit hoping she would understand what i was saying.

"I don't get that"

"He wanted me to give him your moms clients so his mom could convince them that she was better i was confused but i agreed."

She stayed quiet, looked away and stared at her hands in her laps.

"I don't know i think he wanted a way to bring your mom down so his mom could be up. He told me to date you and hurt you to the point where if your mom was distracted by your heartbreak she'd take a break to focus on you and his mom take them from her."

I saw her shake her head in disbelief

"I never told anyone anything about your moms job or who she's helping out. I've never even told them what you've told me about her job." I spoke trying to get her to not be upset

My eyes never left her face so it wasn't surprising to see her eyes glossy.

"You... used me to get information about my mom?"

I shook my head frantically, "No, i never used you"

"You just said-" I scooted closer and grabbed her hands.

"At first it was my intention but then i actually liked you. I wanted out, i forgot about it so i never thought of ending it or telling you." She tried pulling her hands away from me but i didn't wanna let go. "I swear on my fucking life i didn't use you"

Now she shook her head, "I don't- I can't-" She couldn't even form the correct words. "I don't know what's true"

"I never lied to you about anything my love, i've always told you the truth. Yes i kept this huge thing away from you but i have never lied to you about anything. Especially not about me loving you. Every single time i've said that i love you i meant it, and i've loved you from the beginning of us" And that's how i got tears rolling down her cheeks.

I did let her hands go but only to wipe the tears from her face. But not only was she crying, i was too.

"Please believe me" I spoke softly, "I love you, please don't leave me again" I begged.

The person i love most, the person i am in love with is sitting in front me of crying because of me. She's crying because of something i did. Of course it doesn't make me happy.

Id rather he be happy and away from me then it be like this

Angel got ahold of my face, cleaning it from the tears. She moved my hands away from her and just when i thought she'd get up and leave me again, she got up and sat on my legs. She wrapped her arms around me, holding me tight. Her head was laying on my shoulder, facing me.

"I love you Vinnie" She whispered. I wrapped my arms around her body, holding her tight against me.

So we sat here.

We stayed. Sitting on the coffee table, her sitting on me as we both held each other. Both sniffling from crying but not wanting to move away.

Holding each other as if it would be the last time

The Last Time (Vinnie Hacker)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon