"that's a good mix," Jaycee said. "if you really wanted to, I guess we could do a couple more radio shows. you like those, right?"

"yeah." I searched the list again and picked out two more radio shows, then took a picture of the list to send to Demi to ask for permission so Jaycee could respond to the people there. almost instantly, Demi replied and gave us the go ahead, so I watched excitedly as Jaycee began composing an email to the Wango Tango organizers.

smiling, I scribbled my signature onto the remaining photographs. maybe I'd get to see the girls sooner than we'd anticipated.


that evening, I walked home as quickly as I could before it got dark.

"I'm home!" I called as I shut and locked the door behind me. almost immediately, I could hear running down the hall and Naya rushing towards me.

"Naya!" I squealed, letting her envelope me in a hug. "woah! you got so tan!"

"honey, you look so good!" Naya said. "I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too," I said. "how was Greece?"

"I thought I'd save the stories for dinner," Naya said excitedly. "Demi made fish and rice and I'm literally dying to have homecooked food. don't get me wrong, Greek food is so amazing, but I've missed Demi's cooking." I was pulled into the kitchen by Naya where Demi was grilling some fish, and Naya placed a kiss on Demi's lips, causing her to tint a slight pink.

"get a room," I said, draping my bag over the back of one of the chairs.

in response to that, Demi just giggled and buried her head into Naya's shoulder.

"oh my god," I muttered, getting a mug of warm water. "save it for tonight, you two. and I don't want to hear any of it through the walls."


the next morning, before I left for the studio, I noticed that both Demi and Naya had started packing things up around the apartment. the little trinkets and pieces that made the house feel more homely were now wrapped up and gone. when I got back from the studio, I walked in on Demi folding up her clothes back into the huge suitcase she'd come with and Naya doing the laundry.

"Lea, baby," Demi called.


"you better start packing, sweetie. we leave tomorrow at 12 in the afternoon."

"it's Friday?"

"yes, it is."

"oh. okay."

I went back into my room, suddenly feeling like crying. as much as I did miss LA, I had grown somewhat attached to New York. I crossed the room and peered out of the window at the horizon of lights stretching into the distance. a few cars drove along the road below, their lazy headlights projecting onto the empty road in front of them. I felt a pang in my heart, and I turned away from the window. suddenly having the lights on in my room seemed too bright and daunting, way too cheery for what I was feeling now, so I turned the bedside lamp on and lit what remained of my candle, then turned the lights off. whilst it had been slightly warm all day, I was now feeling cold. and alone. hesitantly, I pulled on a hoodie that was lying on my bed and zipped it all the way up, then pulling it down as much as I could. I looked around at the room I had called home for months now. Demi had already wheeled my suitcase into my room, and it stood in the corner of my room, waiting to be filled. I opened it up on the floor, and began to pull clothes off hangers and fold them as neatly as I could, stacking them into the huge suitcase. I hadn't noticed how much stuff I bought recently, and how much I had made this room feel like home. I tucked books and envelopes containing birthday cards into the folds of my clothes, and checked every drawer to make sure I didn't leave anything behind. the worst was probably taking down the photos that I had stuck onto my wall. photos from Taylor's house, from the Reflection tour, my birthday, being silly at the studio. the time the girls came to surprise me when I was still wheelchair-ridden.

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