Chapter 14

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One Month Later

A whole month passed and still nothing but they did find a way to go back to Dan, Shun and Marucho dimension. They were currently at Marucho place right now, they plan to stay there.

During the past month the boys and Mira have shown signs of jealousy which Aichi does not notice at all. When one of them gets more attention from Aichi the rest get jealous.

"Today Alice, Runo and Julie are coming over guys." Marucho told them and at the mention of Runo name made Aichi nervous. He knows that she does not like him at all, he still doesn't know why.

But he did remember hearing the names Alice and Julie before from the others. "Those are your guys friends and also members of the Bakugan Battle Brawlers right?" Aichi asked Shun, Dan and Marucho.

Dan nodded "Right! Their really nice, I'm sure you'll get along with them." Dan tells Aichi. Ren was talking with Baron and Mira, Chris and Leon was talking with Ace and Shun about something.

Aichi looked out the window "It's the same but also different from our earth at the same time." Aichi whispered as he looked at the city. "Blaster Blade do you think they will notice if I'm gone?" Aichi asked him.

Blaster Blade was on Aichi shoulder "I'm not sure my Vanguard. They might notice that you left." Blaster Blade tells Aichi as he thought about it. Aichi really wanted to go and see the city.

"I'm just gonna go. I won't be that long anyways." Aichi whispered as Blaster Blade sighed at how he can be. Aichi snuck away from the others, it was pretty easy since everyone was talking or doing something.

Aichi made it outside the building "We were in the top floor. But Ren place is kinda bigger then Marucho place in all honesty." Aichi says as he was walking and he passed by three females.

Runo stopped as she turned around 'Weird I thought I saw that boy here.' Runo thought to herself hoping Aichi wasn't there with Dan and the others, she did not want to see him at all.

"Runo is everything okay?" Julie asked her friend as Runo turned back. She smiled at her two friends "Yeah I thought I saw someone that I might have met before." Runo told them.

Alice looked at Runo, she knew who she was talking about. Alice wondered what this Aichi person looked like and how his personality is like too.

"Come on you two, they are all waiting for us!" Julie told them as she was waving already by the doors. Alice smiled "We're coming. Let's go Runo." Alice says as Runo nodded.

All three of them walked in to the building "Hey guys we're here!" Julie shouted waving her hand along with Alice and Runo.

Dan smiled at them with his usual grin "Hey girls! Glad you could make it." Dan tells them. Alice scanned the room to see what this Aichi looks like, she knows that he has blue hair.

Ren, Leon and Chris introduced themselves to the girls. "And this here is..." Ren trailed off as he stopped to realized that Aichi was nowhere in sight.

"What! Where did he go to now!" Leon shouted grabbing Ren by the shirt. "Calm down Leon. We can just find him and ask around." Chris told them in a calm tone but he too was very worried.

Shun tried to remember where he saw Aichi "Do you think he decided to go out and look around the city?" Shun tells his friends/teammates of what he thought Aichi might be doing.

Runo then remembered passing by a familiar boy. She can't tell them that they passed by him so she grabs Dan arm. "Dan let's go take a walk!" Runo suggested to her crush.

Dan looked taken back by Runo "Go ahead Dan. We will contact you when we find Aichi." Mira tells Dan as he nodded. "Okay let's go Runo." He told her as they left.

Julie and Alice looked at each other "So um does Aichi have blue hair and blue eyes?" Julie decided to ask as Ren, Leon and Chris spoke at the same time "Yes! He does!"

Alice decided to speak up now "I think when we were walking into the building we passed by him. It might have been him that we passed by." Alice tells them.

Ace stood up "Then he did go out. We should look for him, it's still too dangerous for him to be alone." Ace tells them as they nodded. Alice and Julie looked confused.

"Hey, is Aichi important or something or is he in danger?" Julie asked the group. "Ren, Leon, Chris and Aichi aren't exactly from here. There from another world like ours but Bakugan doesn't exist but a card game called Vanguard. Anyways before coming here they were dealing with an enemy and apparently since Aichi lost in a cardfight he's going through a thing call reverse." Marucho explained to them.

The three boys nodded. "But because we were sent here before beating the one responsible for the reverse, Aichi-kun is still fighting it. And we are trying to find our way back home still and hoping soon because if we don't somehow stop it then..." Ren trailed off really not wanting to say the words.

"Aichi might die if we don't get back to our world soon and beat the one responsible for the reverse."

At that Julie and Alice eyes widen. "He'll die...?" Alice says as Julie looked horrified by this. "We want to help you guys out as well." Alice says as Julie nodded too "Yeah, let us help you guys out."

Ren, Leon and Chris smiled but looked serious now. "Thank you but we need to find Aichi right away first." Chris tells them as they nodded "Right!"

With that they decided to split into groups to search for Aichi while Runo and Dan were taking a walk.

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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