Chapter 7

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They made it to the base where Mira showed them the room that they will be staying in. "We are really sorry that we have to intrude on you guys." Chris apologies to them.

"It's not a problem at all. We are happy to help you guys." Marucho told him with a smile. He saw that Ren was laying Aichi down looking at him with a worried expression on his face.

They can see that they all care about Aichi a lot, the brawlers wonder why they care for him though. They wanted to ask them but that would have to wait.

Leon looked at them "Alright. Let's leave Sendou to rest for now and we can explain how we got here to you all." Leon told them. Ren walked next to him "Geez bossy aren't you." He told him.

They saw that Leon was getting mad at Ren "Come on, let's go out there." Mira tells them as they all left the room to let Aichi sleep.

They all went to the main room as they all took a seat. Ren, Leon and Chris glanced around as they didn't say anything. They really didn't know what to say to them

It was quiet until Ren decided to break the silence "Where do we begin." He said as Mira spoke up "Blaster Blade told us about some of the Link Joker incident." Mira told Ren.

Ren nodded "Well Link Joker came out of nowhere and Kai-kun was the first affected by it so he traveled around the world and started spreading it. When he came back he started spreading it more and now everything is in chaos." Ren stopped as he looked down remembering how Asaka and Tetsu got affected.

Chris spoke up "Aichi decided to take action saving his friends by beating them in a cardfight. He managed to save them breaking them out of the reverse but once they come to they are exhausted. I should know I was reversed by it when I first came to visit Aichi."

Baron looked at Chris "You don't live where Aichi lives at?" He asked Chris. Chris shook his head "No. Me and Leon live in different countries from each other and Aichi. Ren lives in the same country as Aichi though." Chris answered.

Leon nodded "Anyways. Sendou went against Kai to break him out of the reverse but Kai is a strong cardfighter. He was defeated by Kai and was getting reversed but he was fighting it, I came and helped him stop it temporarily with the help of the spirit of Takuto. I went inside the building to stop Link Joker but I had to face my future self that got reversed and that battle took a lot of energy. Then Sendou showed up determined to fight still, he went against his friend named Kourin that he managed to win against."

Ren spoke up again "When Aichi-kun went up we decided to force ourselves to go after him. We saw him cardfighting against Link Joker but he transported us here instead of battling Aichi-kun. While landing here we all became separated from each other. Then our cards turned into these what was it again...?"

"Bakugan you idiot!" Leon shouted at Ren with an annoyance expression present on his face. "Hey! Don't call me an idiot!" Ren argued back at Leon. "Then remember what they are called and stop acting like an idiot too!" Leon argued again with Ren.

Ren was pulling Leon cheek and hair as Leon did the same to Ren.

Chris sighed as he watched his two friends argue again but not just him the brawlers too. "Sorry again about them." Chris apologized to them. "It's alright." Dan answered the smaller.

Chris turned to face them "We can't do much right now especially when Aichi is in this state but I hope we can rely on you guys." Chris tells them as he bowed.

"Don't worry about it." Chris looked up to see it was Shun that spoke up. Chris smiled at them all as he turned to face Leon and Ren "You two stop. You don't want me to tell Aichi that you two are arguing? You don't want me to tell him when he wakes up do you?"

At that the two teens froze "Then Aichi-kun would start to worry and stress..." Ren says so worried now "And it would be our faults if he fainted again..." Leon also says so worried too, they both sighed in defeat.

They didn't want Aichi to worry more then he already has to. Chris knew that the two teens would do anything for Aichi as long as he's not hurt at all.

Chris smiled to himself "Good choice." He told them as they looked away from each other. "It's only for Sendou." Leon tells Chris as Ren nodded.

"The Aichi Affect..." Mira says as Chris only smiled and the brawlers sweat dropped at that.

To be continued

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