Chapter 11

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They were in their room that Mira let them sleep in for the time that they will be staying with them.

Ren looked at how Aichi seems so lost. He was happy that Aichi wasn't feeling any pain but he knows how Aichi misses everyone and he, Leon and Chris knows that feeling.

"I hope that Asaka and Tetsu aren't reverse again..." Ren mumbled to himself. Leon glanced at Ren "We all hope that our friends aren't reversed."

Ren looked at Leon as he smiled "Our friends aren't weak so I'm sure that they are still fighting." Leon told Ren as he smiled a little. "But what about Link Joker himself and Kai?"

The two turned to see that it was Chris that spoke. And they knew with Link Joker there and Reverse Kai, their friends don't stand a chance.

"We'll find a way back and we will beat Link Joker. And save Kai-kun and the others." They looked to see that it was Aichi. They smiled at him.

They nodded at Aichi "Yeah, your right." Chris says with a smile. Aichi eyes slightly widen as he clutched his chest, red and black miasma was surrounding Aichi. "Aichi-kun!" Ren shouted as he ran to Aichi side.

Leon and Chris ran to his side "Aichi! Are you okay?!" Leon asked as Aichi took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah I am now. Sorry to have worried you guys."

The pain stopped for now and so did the miasma, Aichi looked at his friends. "I'm going to get some rest now." Aichi told his friends as they nodded. "Okay. We will be here by your side." Chris tells Aichi.

Aichi nodded with a smile "Thanks." He lays down and quickly falls asleep. "He's sleeping now." Leon says as Ren and Chris nodded.

"Of course he will fall asleep right away. He's rejecting the reverse still and that's taking too much of his strength away." Ren tells Leon as they all already knew that.

The three hate how they can't take some of the pain away from Aichi. "I wish I can take some of Aichi pain away." Chris says as he looks at Aichi sleeping figure.

He said what all three of them were thinking "Yeah, me too." Ren mumbles as Leon nodded "I do as well." Leon also mumbles too.

To The Brawlers

Dan, Shun, Ace and Mira were all sitting down while Marucho and Baron went outside to put the stuff away since it's their turn to clean. "I wonder how Aichi is doing?" Shun asked his friends.

"I wonder that too." Mira says as she was worried since seeing him in pain she felt so worried about him. "Same. I hope he gets some rest right now." Dan worriedly says.

Ace stayed quiet as he is so worried about Aichi like the others that he doesn't even know what to say. Unknown to Ace is that the others started having feeling for Aichi just like him.

Back To Chris, Ren and Leon

The three boys watched as their beloved Aichi was still fast asleep. He was really exhausted from rejecting the reverse and dealing with the pain that comes with it.

"We need to find a way back home and fast." Chris says as Leon and Ren nodded. "The sooner we can get back the better. Because if we beat Link Joker then Aichi won't have to suffer." Leon tells them.

Ren and Chris nodded, none of them wants to see Aichi suffer anymore. "But the problem is how we are going to find a way back." Ren tells them.

And that's their problem. They don't know how they will find a way back home. "Hopefully Mira and others would help us find a way back." Chris says to his friends.

"There must be another way for us to get back." Leon says as he tries to think of a way to get back fast. "Well I think I have an idea." They looked at Ren.

Ren crossed his arms "But it's a pretty reckless one." Ren tells them. "Well let's hear it and we can think it over." Chris says as Leon nodded.

Ren looked at them "What about those people that we brawled with the Vexos? I'm sure they might have something like a portal." Ren tells them as Chris and Leon were surprised.

"That is a reckless idea. We really need to think it through and it might be our only option." Chris says as Leon looked at Aichi sleeping figure.

Leon nodded "Yes it just might be the only option we have. But we need to find out where they are and if they even have one. And if they do then think of a plan." Leon tells them.

But then Leon pause as Ren and Chris looked at Leon. "But I think we should hold off on this plan. And try to think of other plans that will not worry Aichi and that will not put him in harms way." Leon told them.

Chris and Ren nodded understanding, they knew they would need a plan but they also don't want to worry Aichi. "We will just have to wait for now." Chris tells them.

The other two psyqualian users agreed with the younger boy.

To be continued

I'm so sorry it took me so long to update. I had some writers block, I'll try to update soon! Sorry again!

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