Chapter 5

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Aichi was walking in the desert right now in pain, he felt so tired still. "I find the others..." Aichi whispered to himself as he looked to see dust but a figure.

It revealed to be a tall man with silver hair "My I found myself a brawler." He says to Aichi as Aichi was confused but remembered what they told him before he blacked out.

"My name is Shadow I'm apart of the Vexos, haha!" Shadow introduced himself as he's laughs. "What's your attribute kid?" Shadow asked Aich with a grin.

'Attribute? I don't know what Attribute I am?' Aichi thought to himself.Attribute? "I'm sorry but I don't know..." Aichi apologized to Shadow as he looked at Aichi.

Suddenly a bright light came down in front of Aichi as he saw a royal blue, white and silver gauntlet appeared.

Aichi felt like it was meant for him so he took the gauntlet as the man known as Shadow looked at Aichi. "Weird. I never seen a gauntlet like that." Shadow said.

Despise what's going on Aichi is still in pain "Hahaha let's brawl now kid, let's see why you got that weird looking gauntlet!" Shadow laughed.

"Fine...I'll brawl with you." Aichi agreed to Shadow challenge as Blaster Blade looked at his Vanguard. "My vanguard you can't." Blaster Blade told Aichi as he smiled at him. "I'll be fine Blaster Blade." Aichi assured him.

Blaster Blade nodded as Aichi looked at Shadow and he looked at Aichi back. "Bakugan Brawl!" They both shouted as he started off by throwing a card that disappeared "Gate Card Set!"

"Darkus Juggernoid Stand! Haha!"

Aichi looked to see it stand "Blaster Arrow! Stand!" Aichi shouted as he saw one of his units. "Huh? I never seen or heard of that Bakugan." Shadow says.

Shadow attacked but Aichi managed to block the attack as Shadow was surprised by that. "That's really weird. You have some strange bakugans and cards kid."

Aichi looked at Shadow 'Since this isn't a cardfight at all...I have to win some other way.' Aichi thought to himself.

Blaster Blade went in front of Aichi face "My Vanguard please use me in this brawl." Blaster Blade tells Aichi as he nodded "Okay. Let's beat him Blaster Blade."

Aichi grabbed Blaster Blade "Oh brave sword that defends the weak, shine! Stand Up My Avatar! Blaster Blade!" Aichi shouted as a bright light appeared and as it died down Blaster Blade stood up.

Shadow was shocked by this "What? This Bakugan is weird too but looks strong." Shadow tells Aichi. "I won't lose!" Aichi shouted as he felt pain again.

To The Brawlers

The Bakugan Battle Brawler Resistance all went looking for Aichi not knowing exactly where he is. Mira stopped as she looked at her watch as it started beeping. "Huh?!" She was shocked.

Shun turned to face her "What's wrong?" Shun asked her as the others stopped too. "Someone's brawling right now." Mira told them as they wonder who it could be.

"Judging by the area they shouldn't be that far." Mira tells them. "Do you think it's Aichi?" Marucho asked Mira as she looked at them. "It might be." She answered.

Dan looked at them "Then what are we waiting for. Let's go!" Dan shouted as he started running as the others followed after him. They hoped that Aichi wasn't brawling.

To Ren, Leon and Chris

After resting for a bit the group left the cave to continue their search for Aichi. Ren looked up at the sky, he didn't know why but he got the urge to look at the sky.

Ren noticed that Leon and Chris were also looking up too. 'Do they have the same feeling like me.' Ren thought.

"You guys got that feeling too?" Ren asked them as they nodded "For some reason I feel that Aichi is nearby." Chris whispered as they heard.

The three looked at each other as they decided to follow where their instincts are telling them to go. "This way my Vanguard." Blaster Dark told Ren.

Ren nodded as their avatars were telling them the way to go. They ran and followed the directions that they were told to go by their avatars.

"Ability Card Activate! Knight of Light! For any knight that I have on the field they gain 800 G power."

"Wait a minute that was Aichi-kun voice just now. Did you just hear Aichi-kun?" Ren asked the others to make sure he wasn't hearing things.

They nodded at Ren "Yeah. I heard Sendou voice." Leon answered Ren "Let's head to where we heard the voice ." Chris told them.

The three ran as they made it, they saw Aich as he looked like he is in pain. "Aichi-kun!/Sendou/Aichi!" Ren, Leon and Chris yelled out his name as he turned to face them.

Aichi eyes widen as he saw his friends "Ren!/Leon!/Chris!" Aichi shouted as he smiled a little. "Hey! Don't look the other way!" Shadow told Aichi.

Mira and the others saw how Aichi reacted to seeing those three boys as he didn't react to them at all.

Aichi took a deep breath as he stared at Shadow. He pointed to Blaster Blade "I Open The Gate Card!" Aichi shouted as the ground started glowing.

Shadow looked at Aichi to wait and see what his gate card is. "The Holy Dragon! Since the bakugan I need isn't on the field I'm able to switch my bakugan."

Shadow eyes widen "That's impossible!" He shouted as Aichi smiled "The Holy Charging Roar awakens the pride of knights. Soul Saver Dragon! Stands!"

Soul Saver Dragon roared as he was now standing on the field "Now that Soul Saver is on the field, it gains 5000 G power and 1 critical!" Shadow was surprised.

"Now finish him Soul Saver Dragon!"

Hades was defeated by Soul Saver Dragon as Hades fell to the ground next to Shadow feet. Shadow glared at Aichi "I won't forget you blue hair!"

Aichi stared at Shadow "I won't forget you either." Shadow left right away. Aichi once again felt pain as he fell to his knees as joker miasma was showing.

To be continued

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