8. Gin, the squeaky grocery cart

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Deep in the dark void of sleep, the sound of voices slowly pushes themselves in. They are blurred in the background. It's nice actually, they strangely reassure me. Yet I am gently pulled from my sleep by these voices.

"Is she awake already?" The soft voice makes my heart involuntary beat faster, because wow, that's how I imagined the voice of an angel.

"I don't know, why don't you ask her?" Mutters someone cranky, as if it's the hundredth time the other person has asked him that question.

"Hyunggg! I'm just so curious." Yup, he'd probably asked more than a hundred times.

"Jimin, stop being namby-pamby, she'll wake up once she wants to." A new voice intervenes.

"It might take a while though, especially if that bottle of gin was still full when she started drinking..." His voice sounds suspiciously familiar to me, but I'm still gone too far to care.

"She is so beautiful when she sleeps!" The sound of another new voice vibrates through my left ear, the side I rest against the comfortably firm pillow.

Something warm strokes my cheek and I turn my head towards the soft touch. Hmm, that feels nice!

A loud gasp echoes through the room.

"Is she... Is she waking up now?"

"Jimiinn!" Exclaim the men in unison. I move my eyes behind my lids and a terrible pain shoots through my head.

"Oww, fuck!"

"She's waking up, for real now!" Squeaks the sixth man enthusiastically and the steady beating sound in my pillow speeds up. However, my head reacts hypersensitively to the fairly loud voice and I crouch, whimpering.

Dear lord, it's like my brain is being pulled through a shredder! Blinking against the bright light, I open my eyes.

Above me hover seven blurry faces. I rub my aching eyes and slowly my vision sharpens. I recognize the faces almost immediately.

"My God, I would have said wholeheartedly 'what the FUCK!' and skedaddled outa here, if I hadn't had such an agonizing headache!"

The pillow against my ear starts to shake and low laughter bubbles up getting higher and higher until he finally sounds like squeaky windshield wipers.

I look up in amazement and see the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my entire life. He is even more handsome than in the pictures I have seen.

My gaze darts to his luscious lips... Oh my lord, how bad I want to know how they feel on my lips. I bet they're soft, yet firm.  Fuckk, I almost can't resist the urge to try it out. What was his name again? Gin?

No of course not! I mentally slap myself. My gosh, I really need to stop consuming that much alcohol! It clearly damages my brain...

"Haha, I like her, she is funny!" An auburn-haired man grins the brightest smile at me.

"Do you know BTS?" Another man with a wacky ponytail on top of his head gives me a flirtatious look and extends his big hand to me. I take it hesitantly.

"Hey, you're using Yoongi's line!" Someone protests whisper-yelling in the background, but everyone ignores his whine.

"Well, I know you guys s-since today I believe." My voice is still raw from sleep. He helps me to my feet and I realize that I've been lying on Gin's lap all this time.

"I'm Kim Taehyung, but you can call me Tae" He surprises me by pulling me into a warm embrace and I let him in amazement. He towers over me so that my head rests against his chest. I can hear his heart beating fast.

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