1. An Ouija-board, Seokjins flipflop and Hoseoks bum

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"ARE YOU GUYS INSANE?!! You can't summon demons with a homemade, cardboard Ouija board, you crazy bunch of lunatics! If you're not careful that so-called 'Ouija board' will burn down by accident and we'll be stuck with an unwanted demon in the hou...

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"ARE YOU GUYS INSANE?!! You can't summon demons with a homemade, cardboard Ouija board, you crazy bunch of lunatics! If you're not careful that so-called 'Ouija board' will burn down by accident and we'll be stuck with an unwanted demon in the house, which, by the way, won't surprise me anymore...

And that demon just might end up liking to sabotage me, like I don't pay enough prices for your ridiculous experiments already!"

The slight desperation in Namjoon's voice, in addition to anger, probably has something to do with the fact that things often get terrible out of control around him. He's supposed to be the leader of this pack of misfits, but if he'd known beforehand what he'd actually got himself into... Most likely, he wouldn't take on the role of leader again.

But, yeah, almost ten years later it's a little too late to back out.

Somehow, he had the illusion that these hopelessly chaotic, spontaneous actions would become less nightmarish and destructive once Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin had passed the more mature age of 21. And maybe Hoseok would finally behave himself too.

But dear lord, it only seemed to get worse!

Trying to control his despair, he circles in front of the TV, muttering about all the ways this could have ended in a disaster, grabbing his dark blond hair in frustration every now and then.

Seemingly unaffected by his frustration, five young men are scattered around the common living room.

On the large sofa across the room, Yoongi sits cross-legged between Jimin's knees, sipping unbothered from his ice-cold americano, an indifferent expression on his face. He could be having the time of his life, enjoying his favorite drink. But there's also a serious possibility that, in a minute, he'll be throwing that sacred potion of his at Namjoon's head to silence him. 

Jimin, who seems completely oblivious to his surroundings, sits behind him on the backrest. His round glasses have dropped to the tip of his nose as his hands work in utter concentration on Yoongi's white-blond hair, making something what must probably represent little braids.

The youngest two sprouts are centered around the cause of Namjoon's outburst: a greasy pizza box, defaced with a black marker, that apparently must represent an 'Ouija board'. Jungkook, sprawled on his stomach on the floor, is frozen in an arm movement to place a glass upside down on the piece of cardboard. His large, innocent eyes look up at Namjoon.

Taehyung sits on Jungkook's back, his dark, almost black hair tied on top of his head in a wacky ponytail. A bubblegum-pink lollipop nearly falls from between his lips as he pulls a disappointed pout. Presumably, he realizes that their experiment cannot go on as he and Jungkook had hoped.

To Namjoon's right sits a humming Hoseok upside down in a huge, blue armchair. Yes, sits upside down... His wobbly, long legs extend high above the backrest while his back is on the seat cushion. To top off this rather uncomfortable look, his head is tilted over the edge so his auburn hair almost touches the floor.

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