2. Cheetos in Tae's closet

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Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook, the three of them hidden in Tae's wardrobe, cower down to the sound of rough thumping, breaking glass, and Seokjin's roar that follows. 

"Didn't we accidentally summon a demon that possessed Jin?" Jungkook moans as he bangs his head on his knees.

"If so, s-shouldn't we rescue Hobi from his claws?" Tae stutters, he actually manages to sound guilty.

"Tae, we all know your lollipop is the only reason you want to go back to that room." Jungkook rolls his eyes, even though it's not visible in the stuffy, dark closet.

It seems Jimin didn't hear Jungkook's comment and protests in a violent whisper: "Yes if you want to get bombed by all sorts of flying kitchenware?! Are you out of your fucking mind? I will not voluntarily present myself as a target there! 

"So what? Jungkook and Yoongi are the only ones who can hit the mark here," mutters Tae. 

"If Namjoon gets involved, he will destroy everything around him, and I don't want to be accidentally hit by flying shards" Jimin pulls himself up and crosses his arms with a huff.

"And it was Hoseok's idea to test whether the sink in the bathroom could support three hundred pounds," Jungkook adds. 

"Yes, but..., I also put at least a hundred pounds of weights in the sink." Tae sounds crestfallen, feeling guilty about leaving his brother all by himself with a furious Seokjin. But he is completely ignored by his brothers in evil. They aren't going to get in the crossfire for Hobi, nor a lollipop.

Before Taehyung can say anything further, Jungkook's suppressed splutter echoes through the wardrobe. "Hihi" he whinnies, "Jimin, it was such a hilarious sight when that sink sailed off the wall and sprayed all that water WHOOHSS in your face."

"Look, my hair is still wet." Jimin giggles, "feel it!" leaning forward to rub his damp locks against Tae's face, he pushes his full weight against Taehyung's body. 

"Ow! Watch my foot!" Tae hisses sharply. "Remember that I got the full weight of that sink on my foot!" Jimin giggles softly again, which ends in a cough because Taehyung throws him a punch between his ribs while he loudly whines that he's sure his metatarsal is crushed.

But even Tae can't contain his laughter anymore: "And when Yoongi rushed in to investigate... He slipped over that toothpaste tube like it was a banana peel!"

"I still have toothpaste in my hair" Jungkook grumbles as he rubs his hair, not noticing that he also smears the toothpaste on his cheek. "He did land on his feet though, it's impressive!" 

"Yeah, but then he did go all bananas on us" Jimin muttered.

"No, he did go all bananas on YOU, buffoon, because you were the only one who dared to laugh!" Tae grins his boxy smile while smacking Jimin's thigh. 

"But did you see his FaCE!" Jimin nearly rolls over with laughter, "And did you see that stunned face on Hobi when he found out the manufacturer hadn't provided accurate information about how many pounds this sink could hold?"

"Woh! Aishh, we're only at 290 pounds and that thing is already coming off the wall! It's scandalous, we must file a complaint!" Imitates Jungkook with a perfectly twisted Hoseok-voice. 

The three boys shriek with laughter and for a while, nothing can be heard but the suppressed laughter of the three brothers. 

"Ooww, my belly!" Taehyung moans when they finally calm down. That sounds so pathetic that the three men burst out in laughter, again.

A loud rumble that seems to come from the right side of the closet drowns out their laughter. Their giggles stop abruptly. There is the sound again, a low, compelling grunt coming from Jungkooks stomach. Jimin and Taehyung giggle softly. 

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