7. Fly to my room

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I am in that glorious state between waking and sleeping. Realizing I'm half awake, but my mind is still so hazy and dreamy.

I turn from my stomach to my right side and pull the covers over my ears. The tip of my nose is just sticking out of the blanket and I crawl a little deeper in by clutching the edge of my blanket between my knees.

Hmmm, perfect!

I smile blissfully. My head makes a wonderful tumble as if I'm sleeping on top of a fluffy cloud and every now and then sink through, only to land on the next soft cloud.

When I float down again, the landing feels different. No fluffy cloud where I land, but tickling, cool grass.

The sheep clouds in the sky above me turn pink by the slowly rising sun. I move my head to the side and see tons of small white flowers in the grass. On the delicate petals bead round dewdrops that gleam gold in the morning sun.

"Wow!" I let out my breath in amazement. Due to the movement of the air, a drop rolls down a petal and falls among the grass. Too bad, it was so pretty on that flower!

Curious, I want to get up to take a better look at the beautiful surroundings. But as soon as I sit, the bed of green grass has turned into a soft mattress and the pink sky is exchanged for a dim lit room.

A bedroom, I realize. Not my own room, but one that seems suspiciously familiar to me. I just can't remember who that room belongs to.

I sink back into the soft bed and breathe in the scent of cedar wood and pine needles. A scent that rings a bell somewhere in the back of my mind.

But before I can pay attention to that bell, my arms are pinned above my head on the mattress.

A pang of anticipation shoots through my body. Yes, this feels good!

A bare, muscular torso appears above me, and when he brings his face closer I recognize those divinely handsome features immediately. The way the outer corners of his eyes point slightly upwards, his sharp jawline, and that smug grin that seems to be impossible to wipe off his face...

"Alien!" It escapes like a moan from between my lips.

"Good morning, Angel... I've missed you."

As soon as his voice caresses my skin, goosebumps appear all over my body.

The memories force themselves on me and for a moment I am on my knees again in front of him, my mouth sucked tight around his cock. A second later I'm lying under him as his lips eagerly claim mine. His promise plays through my mind like a whisper:

"I'm going to fuck you hard and long and make you cum on my cock so many times that you can't take it anymore. And then I'll keep going until I'm finally done with you."

My back arches up from the mattress, desire racing through my veins. My throat is suddenly dry. Biting my lower lip, I look up at him from between my eyelashes.

"You promised me something. Are you going to give that to me now?"

He chuckles darkly. "Still as eager as last time I see."

My belly tumbles as he dances his fingertips across my skin, feathery caresses along my jawline, down my neck and down between my breasts. He's spinning a circle around my hard nipple and then continues towards my bellybutton, and lower.

My pussy clenches full of sweet anticipation and I feel some of my juices escape. God, I'm already more than ready for him...


Panting I push my hips up a bit to meet him, but he stops before his finger reaches the spot where I want to feel him so badly. I moan protestingly. Why is he stopping now? This is just not fair...

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