Chapter 21. Contract Fulfilled

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    RAVEN just finished his round for the morning. As usual many werebeasts were camping near the falls. For weeks now, Raven has busied himself checking the parameters of the falls while Cassia spends her heat with Alpha from the Ivy Cave. They haven’t met yet,  but Raven can tell that the Alpha is no joke. 

    The amount of scent he’s spreading throughout the falls and its surrounding was tremendous, it scares the cowards and tests the will of the idiots who wish to come near the falls.

    Raven did not dare go near or inside the cave again in fear that he’ll be killed by the male Alpha.

    He remembered the last time he went in there.

    He was planning on taking Cassia out of the cave and changing location only to find her in the arms of the Alpha he warned of. He did not get to see the male Alpha’s face but the ominous aura he was emanating when he felt him watching them doing the deed made him almost pee on his pants.

    He shuddered remembering that red eyes glowering at him in the dark.

    Since then he has camped outside the cave at one of the Acacia trees that was growing near the falls. 

    To pass the time, he made a routine of making rounds in the morning and sunset, checking the parameter for danger in his bird form. Him being a winged shape shifter is really handy as a watcher.

    As he descended on the rock at the riverbank, he saw a figure looking up at him near it. It was Dycland.

    His head tilted.

    The man is jittery and is obviously waiting for him. The moment his talons touch the surface of the rock, Dycland snatched him. 


    “Are you Raven? Cassia’s familiar?” Dtcland asked in a hurry.

    “Wha–what? I’m not! I’m his friend!” Raven exclaimed. 

    He tried to wiggle out of Dycland’s hold, but the guy’s grip was tight.

    “E–excuse me. Y–you’re crushing me! My wings…!” he croaked.

    “Oh!” Gratefully, Dycland let go of him. 

    He put him on top of the rock and waited for him to be comfortable again.

    Raven peered at him. He was sweating a bit and literally waiting for him to finish tucking his wings anxiously.

    What’s wrong with him?  He wondered. Why is he out here anyway? Is Cassia okay?

    He paused at the thought. 

    The Alpha male is out here?! Cassia!

    Worried about his friend, Raven forgets about smoothing his feathers and flies to the cave.

    He heard the male Alpha calling after him but he did not mind him.

    That guy was anxious about something. He’s sweating and jittery. And he was waiting for him!

    Without much thought, he zoomed into the cave. He glided fast in the wind, missing the sharp tipped stones hanging above the ceiling by many inches. 

    Behind him, he heard fast footsteps. Someone’s running his way. HGe looked back and saw a brown gigantic wolf bounding right behind him. 

    Who’s this? He thought. Trespasser? No. This ominous aura, it’s him, right? The male Alpha?

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