Chapter 20. In Each Other's Arms

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THE next day after the night of the Crescent, Dycland woke up naked next to a red haired female Werewolf that smelled strongly of him.

It took him a while before realizing what had happened the night before. It was steamy and he felt good this morning.

He was at a loss, not knowing what to do though.

Should he wake the sleeping woman up next to him?

Should he just make a run for it now that she still sleeps?

Should he wait for her to wake up and see if this will work with her?

As he pondered deeply on what he's going to do next, the woman stirred awake. He heard her groan a bit and with her back turned to him, the woman sat up and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

He watched her stretch out her arms above her head, flexing her muscles on the back. Her curves and golden porcelain skin looks inviting him for an embrace. 

Without a thought, Dycland put his arms around her waist. Hugging her from the back. He comfortably put his chin on her shoulders.

He felt her tensed up in his arms. 

And in a slow motion, the woman turned her head towards him. 

It was not just her who wore the surprise on her face. 

Dycland, additionally questioning his body why cling on to her like this, has his eyes wide as he recognizes the face of the woman.

Isn't this Cassia who I hate the most? Why, she looks more beautiful than the first time I saw her. Did something block my eyesight the first time we met that it is just now I appreciate her beauty? And she feels soft. I like it. 

Their faces were so close together Dycland would have let himself kiss her if only not for the woman screaming like a banshee.

He pictured his ear spat blood.

The female Alpha who he hates the most but looking so beautiful and likable pushes him hard, sending him toppling over on his back out of the bed.



Flustered, Cassia stuttered on her words, unsure of what to ask first.

Why is he here?

What's he doing here?

How did he get in here?

What happened?

Why are they both naked?!

Instead, she said only one word and it speaks volume. "You!"

Dycland, however, is a man who is easy to adapt to any situation he is in.

And if this woman has become his mate during her heat, then so be it.

But why is she the one who's getting flustered and angry when she's the vixen who seduced him in the first place?

It was her scent that led him to her, seduced him, and as far as he can remember, it was her who clings to him like vice as they make love all night long.

"You jerk!" 

He heard her curse.

"Why are you here? Did you do something to me?"

It was all you, why blame me? I was simply attracted.

"Did you force me?"

"Now see here, woman," Dycland, who can't accept being accused of such a crime, got up and sat. 

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