Chapter 14. Making deal

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"WHAT's up?" asked Cassia.

Raven lands on the fallen tree trunk. He shakes his wings and tucks them in. They were a few feet away from the Maples. The big leaves, the thick bushes, and the fat tree trunks that stand side by side hide their spot perfectly. Cassia stands in front of Raven with her hands on waist.

She can't take her eyes off his appearance. He's a white raven. And an adult one at that. As to what Cassia knows, werebeasts like white ravens are rare. Their appearance is the main reason why they never make it to adulthood. They either get killed by their own flock or left to starve. So it's a surprise that Raven, a white raven, survived to adulthood.

As she stared at her friend, Raven spoke. 

"You are in grave danger," he said bluntly.

Suddenly her train of thought came to a halt. Raven flaps his wings nervously.

Cassia blinked at him blankly. What is he saying now? "What the hell, didn't you think I don't know that?" I thought I was gonna die just a moment ago, you just don't know.

The scene from earlier playback in her mind. She can still see clearly in her mind the claw attack of the Berserker, its head rolling off its shoulder to the ground, the pool of blood that was oozing from its decapitated head and headless body, and the terror of the roar of the Alpha still lingers on her skin.

Cassia crossed her arms, shivering. 

"No, no, no! I mean like right now! This very moment!" Raven said, agitated.

Cassia's forehead creased. "What are you saying? I know I am in danger! I have pursuers, remember?"

"No, that's different to what I'm about to tell you—"

"What the hell, Raven!" Suddenly she felt irritated. 

Why is he saying this all of a sudden? She knows full well that she is in danger. Why tell her again and again? It's not like she's not aware of Death coming after her again and again, like every second of the day! She meant just like earlier, when that Berserker attacked her—she was an inch close to death. If not for the Alpha who dominated it, she would've been dead! And even that Alpha threatened to kill her, too. But he spared her for some reason! He even told her he hates her!

All the stress, fear, anxiety overwhelms Cassia. She can not stop herself from rambling, her eyes hot and watering.

"I know I am in danger. I am very much aware of that fact! You don't have to tell me again and again—!"

"W-wait, Cassia. . ."

"I know that someone's out there itching to slice off my neck! I know that they're not stopping looking for me—that they've found me and in any moment, they'll kill me! I know! Trust me—!"

"Hold on, t-that not what—"

"Stop! I don't need you to tell me any of that anymore! I get it! I'm in danger! I mean," she laughed mockingly, "I was an inch to death just a earlier ago!"

"What?" Raven gasped.

"Yes!" Shouted Cassia. "The Berserker that everyone's talking about attacked me! It was set on slashing me in half with its claws! If not for the Alpha who came, I would've been dead by now! He beheaded that monster like he's swatting a fly! Oh yes! Even that arrogant Alpha bastard told me he doesn't like me and even threatened me that he would kill me if I got close to him! Like I will!" She screamed the last bit of her words in the air.

She was panting and huffing by the end of her speech. The tears were gone but her eyes stung. She blinks a few times as she catches her breath.

Meanwhile, Raven stared at her in awe, his beak hanging open. He's having trouble comprehending what Cassia just said. It took him a few seconds before the cogs in his brain started working again. But still, his thoughts are all over the place.

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