Chapter 18. The First Night of Heat

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DYCLAND stares at the sleeping she-wolf on the bed of twigs. She's snoring softly and looks so peaceful while slumbering.

As his eyes roamed on her, she reminded Dycland of the mystical wolf spirit his clan always talked about over the bonfire.

The elder Werewolves of the clan used to describe the wolf spirits as powerful female wolves. These mystical creatures do not belong to any rank. They are the power themselves.

The elders used to say that wolf spirits have bodies made of smoke and blindingly bright under the Moon. They have ghostly tails trailing behind them, softly like falling leaves when they walk. Their fur coat waves in the air like the ocean's waters. 

"Exceptionally beautiful," as the elders put it in a simplest word.  

Dycland walks lightly around sleeping Cassia. His eyes trained on her. 

The pads on her paws look so fluffy that it makes him want to give it a squeeze. Her fur coat, a mix of gray and white, looks soft and shiny. Against the soft light from the torches, it looks glowing and glossy. Her tail is gray with white fur tips like her ears. 

Dycland halts even to her face. With his nose, he nuzzled her head softly, waking her slightly. 

He saw her eyes flutter open, squinting over him. Her natural ocean colored eyes meet his forest green ones. 

For a moment, it seemed that everything around them stopped and it was only them present.

The magical moment was shattered when Cassia jumped and got off the bed. She made a decent distance between them. Angrily, she bared her teeth.

Even when she's growling at him,  Dycland finds her beautiful.

The fur on Cassia's back stands in spike. Her tail between her legs and her ears dropped back on her head. 

Dycland walked slowly round the bed, making his way to her. 

She growls. As Dycland takes steps forward, Cassia steps back with caution. Her angry eyes on him. 

"Who are you?" She speaks through his mind.

"Dycland," he answered.

"What are you doing here? How did you find me?"

". . . scent."

"Liar!" Snarled Cassia. "The falls diminished the smell!"

Is she saying that because that's what the bird told her? That's not very informative.

Dycland keeps on trying to get close to Cassia while Cassia intends to keep their distance by inching away.

"A small amount of your scent will still leak from this cave with the amount of scent you're emitting," he told her. 

"Liar!" She snarled again. 

It's true. The way she smells right now is enough to knock down a Berserker. Berserkers can't handle too much scent from an in-Heat female Werewolves especially this much. It makes them go wild and crazy. 

In fact, the cave already reeks of her. 

"If that is true, why can you still stand?" She growled.

"I am an Alpha."

Saying that much explains a lot. 

Alpha Werewolves can handle any amount of scent from in-Heat female Werewolves. Unlike the other Werewolves rankers, the Alphas have the biggest cup to fill before getting affected by the scent. 

DYCLAND SEBASTIANOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora