Enemies to Friends (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

Some of the girls cheered them on, some tried to get them to stop. The boys team was escorted out of the gym.

Magath and the assistant Coach finally pulled the 2 girls apart. Kaya's lip was bleeding, Gabi's eye was swelling.

"Go get ice packs from the first aid kit and 2 towels" Magath instructed one of the girls.

He looked to his assistant, a college girl who was in the middle of her student teaching at Libero Middle.

"Can you run the rest of practice I need to handle this" he said gesturing to Gabi and Kaya.

"Yeah I got it Theo, alright ladies let's get back to the scrimmage"


Kaya sat in the empty gym with Sasha and her parents, with an ice pack on her lip.

"So did you get any good licks in?" Sasha asked.

"Sasha Ann!!" Lisa scolded her eldest daughter. "Don't encourage this!"

"Sorry mom"

Sasha hopped off the bleachers and picked up a stray basketball practice her three pointers, still sweaty from her own basketball practice at Trost High.

Kaya leg shook nervously. She was probably gonna get kicked off the team. Then she wouldn't be allowed to play soccer either, heck they'd probably kick her outta school.

"Great, all because of that stupid Gabi, I'm gonna be a middle school drop out"

The gym door opened. In walked Gabi, holding an ice pack to her growing black eye, Gabi's aunt and Reiner.

Reiner immediately joined Sasha and the two began playing horse.

The Blaus' and Mrs. Braun exchanged greetings.

"Oh good everyone is here, let's walk to my classroom to talk, Reiner and..."

"Sasha" Lisa answered.

"And Sasha can stay here and play basketball, just don't dunk Reiner, we don't need a repeat of 8th grade"

Left alone, Reiner broke the silence. "Look Sasha....I'm sorry about Gabi. She told me she had backed off. But I guess not."

"I mean Kaya was involved too, but looks like I taught her well, she got some good hits in" she shot the ball.

It bounced off the rim.

"I'm gonna sound like the sh*ttest cousin ever but, Gabi kinda had it coming. Growing up she's always been...outspoken, but going into her teen years she started becoming a bit of a mean girl. Some of her attitude I know she got from me, I use to be a little sh*t growing up, but that's because I had daddy issues" he said laughing a bit. "But I remember Aunt Carol and Uncle Joe having to go to her elementary school several times about her being a bully"

"I'm sure Gabi has some kindness in her" Sasha said. "Also being a teenage girl in middle school is hard, and to add on top of that losing your dad suddenly, can be a lot"

"I know but that doesn't mean she has the right to act like she's better than anyone, and she's even lashed out at me."

"Well I'm sorry I taught my sister how to punch, I didn't think they would actually fight, Kaya is normally not the type to get violent like that, I just didn't want her to experience what I did in middle school, it really sucked"

Reiner took a lay up, then passed the ball to Sasha. Over the past few months Sasha had opened up a bit about her being bullied. "I get it, you just want to protect her"

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