Ch 30 | Now or Never

Start from the beginning

Your jaw nearly hits the floor because there's nothing farther from the truth than that. Yoongi is probably not even capable of giving someone the ick; he's too damn perfect. He makes you nervous and shoots butterflies through your stomach just by taking the seat next to you. Just his laugh makes your heart race and there's nothing cuter than his sleepy bare face in the morning.

You're still embarrassingly in love with him but you sure aren't acting like it. He doesn't necessarily need to know just how in love you are, but you definitely don't want him to think you have the ick. He could be at home in his luxury condo with peace and quiet, yet he's here in a foreign country in a three bedroom house with a toddler.

This is definitely not his comfort zone.

"Should I go talk to him?" you ask, getting a quick nod from all three of them. You let out a long exhale and pet Nala a few times to calm you down before standing up off the floor to smooth over your hoodie and leggings. After slipping some slides on you step outside into the frigid May air.

Yoongi's sitting by the fire pit, just staring at the orange and yellow flame as it begins to die down. Earlier the four of you plus Jenna had some s'mores around the fire and now that you think about it, you did ignore him the entire time. Not only were you ignoring him, you were texting Namjoon as he talked about a painting class he's taking soon.

He looks breathtaking right now in just a white long sleeve t-shirt tucked into jeans, his black hair messily falling over his forehead and his bare face looking so beautiful it's almost annoying.

"Hey," you mumble, startling him since he didn't hear you come outside.

"H-hey," he says, standing up from his seat. His eyes sparkle as he looks at you and your gaze shifts towards your feet, unsure of what to say now that you're out here. You shiver as a cold breeze fans over you and Yoongi quickly runs inside, leaving you alone and confused for fifteen seconds until he returns with your fuzzy blanket.

"Here," he says, wrapping it around your shoulder. "Sit where I was, it's closest to the fire."

You nod and sit down, relaxing into the warmth of the blanket and the fire. Yoongi takes the spot next to you, poking around at the wood to keep the flame alive. It gets quiet but you're pleasantly surprised it's not awkward. You both sit there in silence, listening to the crackling fire, the hum of nearby owls, the soft chirping of crickets, and you realize Sunny was right. Words don't have to be exchanged in order to enjoy each other's presence.

Yoongi's never been the chatty type. The two of you used to sit in quietness like this all the time. Maybe it's because you're used to Namjoon talking your ear off, or maybe it's because you were nervous to spend alone time with him, but the comfortable silence is nice.

Your eyes travel to his side profile and you almost want to cry at how beautiful he looks. His cheeks and nose are rosy from the cold, his beautiful brown eyes are reflecting the campfire light, and his slender figure is relaxed back into his chair, as if this is where he's the most comfortable.

"This is nice," he says, keeping his eyes on the fire. "I was worried I'd never get to spend time with you like this again."

"Yeah," you nod, looking back towards the flame as well. It gets quiet again and you're not sure how much time passes but you let the silence happen. You'd been so busy trying to avoid awkwardness that you ended up making things awkward anyways, so you're not going to force any conversation. You're just going to sit here and enjoy your time.

"Can I tell you something?" he asks, turning your attention back towards him. He has a pensive look on his face as he continues staring ahead of him, the fire casting dancing shadows across his beautiful features.

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