Chapter 5

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It was finally that time. Izuku had been imprisoned long enough under UA and he was dying to get his hands on Shigaraki. He had planned on how to escape but was not going to kill anyone. Any person he encountered during his escape would only be doing their job and he knew that. Besides, as far as he knew, none of them had committed any crimes or were involved in his family's tragedy. Just as he was about to kick the glass and escape, the door opened in the other room and in walked someone he was not expecting. Kyoka Jiro. She was dressed in ripped jeans, a black leather jacket, a Black Sabbath shirt and some black boots. She was also wearing a choker on her neck and her nails painted purple to fit he goth/ punk aesthetic. 

"At least one person has a sense of fashion 'round here." Izuku commented, still maintaining his cold demeanour. His bruised face, looking down towards the floor as his previously busted up knuckles scratched against his palms. The familiar soothing scrape of rough skin grinding against scabbed over tissue. His face was still covered in cuts and small amounts of blood and dirt. It hurt when he made any motion other than speaking, feeling the sting of stretching cuts and bruised muscles pressing against one another. Now, Izuku had chosen to face away from Kyoka for two reasons. One being he was in no mood to talk. Two being that he had a thing for punk girls but would never tell anyone. She wasn't the most 'developed' girl but to him, she still looked beautiful. Had it not been for his past and fear of losing someone again, he would maybe like to see what happens. But this is real life, not a fairy tale.

"Thank you. Anyway, if you don't mind I'd l-like to ask you something." Kyoka had stuttered a little to get the sentence out. She was standing in front of The Punisher. She had been there before but this was different. He had no weapon, no bad guys to kill and he seemed relatively calm. Truth be told though, despite his cuts and bruises... *He's kinda hot. No! Bad Kyoka! What the hell are you thinking? He's a vigilante. He kills people! He's a bad guy. Right?*

"Sure, I ain't got anything better to do." His voice was flat and monotonous. His green eyes looked up to see the violet haired girl a bit flustered. He was confused as to why but chose to ignore it.

"The other day when I asked if you wanted to be a hero... I just wanted to know if you did or not."

"..." His face dropped, once again looking down towards the floor, feeling the sting and pain of all his injuries.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked. You probably hate heroes and villains alike. Just forget I asked." As she turned to exit the room, he replied to he question.

"I did." She stopped in her tracks and turned around, approaching the glass.

"Did what?" She asked softly.

"I did. I, uh, I used to want to be a hero. Haha, ain't that stupid or what?" He chuckled a bit to himself. "A quirkless kid from this city? Wanting to be a top class good guy? Seems too good to be true. That's 'cause it was." His voice started to go flat again. "You see, when someone like me wants to be a hero... it doesn't happen. I was born quirkless and couldn't do a damn thing about it. As a kid I picked fights with the bullies on the playground to get 'em to leave other kids alone. I'd always end up in a puddle of blood with my ass kicked 'cause of their damn quirks. Not too long after that I realised that I couldn't be a hero so I did the only thing I thought I could. I joined the marines and served my country. After my tour, I was looked at as a villain for all the people I killed. There has never been a hero when I needed one though." Kyoka was taken aback by this. *Why was he being this open? What caused him to result to his Punisher life?*

"Why are you telling me all this?" She asked, nearing the glass and almost whispering her question.

"Let me ask you something. Why do you care? What reason do you have to question me about this stuff? Huh? I bet those heroes put you up to this. Right? Try and make it seem like you wanna help me? Try convince me I'm crazy?! I'm not!" His temper had flared and his heartbeat had become increased. His fight or flight response had been triggered and Kyoka could bet on which he would choose.

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